Sorry about the long-ish break I've taken from journal updating and comment replying duties, I've had a lot on my brain lately.
Anyway, I hope everybody had a good Halloween.
This was my first year not trick-or-treating, so I just took my little brother and his friends out to do my bidding...I mean, collect candy...for themselves...not for me...all I said was, "Go forth my minions, go forth and bring to me confectionery wonderments!" I never said they had to give me 15% of all their earnings...
I know I'm a dork, just leave it.
I really wish I could have attended the SGNC costume party on Saturday, but that was the night of my family's annual weenie-roast. Maybe I'll get to attend the next gathering of the SGNC peoples.
Did anybody watch100 Scariest Movie Moments?
That was good times. It listed a bunch of great classics. Bruce Campbell was mentioned for his role in "Evil Dead" so that was cool.
In other news, as soon as my camera decides to quit being a bitch, I will have pictures up of my new hair. friends list is getting out of control. So I will be shortening it. Most of these people have never even posted to my journal. If I delete you please don't take it personally. If for some reason you want to be back on it, simply email me...or something. I just can't keep up with it. That is all. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Oh...and go watch a good, bloody, limb-ripping, scary movie of your choice. You'll be glad you did.
UPDATE: [Warning: This material contains ranting from a really tired and crushed individual.]
Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry.
I'm so thoroughly disappointed. I got up early, stood in line to vote for hours (even while it rained), in a sea of pro-Bush people. I then stayed up all night and into the early morning watching the results come in, only to have my little heart smashed into smitherines.
This was my very first time voting, and I was very passionate about this election. As an uninsured, chronically ill, poor college student, relying on financial aid to get through school, I had good reason for wanting Bush and his puppeteers to be sent packing out of the White House. I wasn't going to vote, as I felt it would make no difference in such a conservative state, but it's the principle. So many women and men fought, and sacrificed so much for my right to vote. Not to mention so many people around the world still don't have the option to vote. How could you not consider it an honor to have a voice? Whether or not it's heard, you (and I) still have the right to scream...So...FUCK.YOU.GEORGE. YOU AND YOUR DICK!!!!!
Anyway, I hope everybody had a good Halloween.
This was my first year not trick-or-treating, so I just took my little brother and his friends out to do my bidding...I mean, collect candy...for themselves...not for me...all I said was, "Go forth my minions, go forth and bring to me confectionery wonderments!" I never said they had to give me 15% of all their earnings...
I know I'm a dork, just leave it.
I really wish I could have attended the SGNC costume party on Saturday, but that was the night of my family's annual weenie-roast. Maybe I'll get to attend the next gathering of the SGNC peoples.
Did anybody watch100 Scariest Movie Moments?
That was good times. It listed a bunch of great classics. Bruce Campbell was mentioned for his role in "Evil Dead" so that was cool.

In other news, as soon as my camera decides to quit being a bitch, I will have pictures up of my new hair. friends list is getting out of control. So I will be shortening it. Most of these people have never even posted to my journal. If I delete you please don't take it personally. If for some reason you want to be back on it, simply email me...or something. I just can't keep up with it. That is all. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Oh...and go watch a good, bloody, limb-ripping, scary movie of your choice. You'll be glad you did.

UPDATE: [Warning: This material contains ranting from a really tired and crushed individual.]
Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry.


This was my very first time voting, and I was very passionate about this election. As an uninsured, chronically ill, poor college student, relying on financial aid to get through school, I had good reason for wanting Bush and his puppeteers to be sent packing out of the White House. I wasn't going to vote, as I felt it would make no difference in such a conservative state, but it's the principle. So many women and men fought, and sacrificed so much for my right to vote. Not to mention so many people around the world still don't have the option to vote. How could you not consider it an honor to have a voice? Whether or not it's heard, you (and I) still have the right to scream...So...FUCK.YOU.GEORGE. YOU AND YOUR DICK!!!!!


Glad you had a good halloween, and that there was props to bruce campbell.
I miss ya and sorry my new job is dominating every opportunity for keeping in touch with you. Still hanging out for the hair pics.
Sorry about bush, feel free to move to australia.
All my best.
Thanks for commening about my Random Fucktard exchange. When I used to comment all the time on Yahoo! groups I would get those sorts of things quite regularaly since my eimail sig has my website in it. People would click on my site and not see exactly what they were expecting and feel the need to minister to me.
This guy with his "footstool" comment really pissed me off. He was a lot more high and mighty than the usuals, at least in his initial contact. But the more I though aobut how close a footstool is to the divine the more I though he that aint so bad.
Took me a bit to calm down and respond the way I did. But it was great once it all got written.