Ok, so I should really be in bed right now, so as I can arise bright eyed and bushytailed early in the morn and have a productive day...yeah right like that's gonna happen.
I have that whole sleepy/silly thing going on right now, so I've decided to treat you all to pictures of things I love soooo much...why? because I fucking can.

Alan Smith is prettiful, huh?

Ryan Giggs has just informed me of his plans to impregnate me. He wants me to birth out lots of little footie players. What? He does...seriously, look he's thinking about it right now.

hobbit 4 life yo

suck it

my puppykins

dead like me

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."

"like Frankie said, I did it my way..."
like whoa

"I could catch a monkey. If I was starving I could. I'd make poison darts out of the poison of the deadly frogs. One milligram of that poison can kill a monkey. Or a man. Prick yourself and you'd be dead within a day. Or longer. Different frogs, different times."
I have that whole sleepy/silly thing going on right now, so I've decided to treat you all to pictures of things I love soooo much...why? because I fucking can.
Alan Smith is prettiful, huh?
Ryan Giggs has just informed me of his plans to impregnate me. He wants me to birth out lots of little footie players. What? He does...seriously, look he's thinking about it right now.

hobbit 4 life yo

suck it

my puppykins

dead like me

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school."

"like Frankie said, I did it my way..."

like whoa

"I could catch a monkey. If I was starving I could. I'd make poison darts out of the poison of the deadly frogs. One milligram of that poison can kill a monkey. Or a man. Prick yourself and you'd be dead within a day. Or longer. Different frogs, different times."
Yes, Chuck Palanhuik is a God.
when my dog was alive, rest her soul, the best she ever got from me was any extra rice or pasta or potatoes id cooked! im going away this weekend, so ill have a chance to pick up some more bears!