Happy Mardi Gras!
I miss New Orleans. I lived there for about 3 years and it was a great experience. I also went flat broke, and was writing bad checks to Walgreens just to eat. So I have a lot of mixed emotions about that town. but reallly positive on the whole. I learned a lot about different cultures when I was there.
Kris and I went back about four months after the storm for work. We toured all of the devastation, and saw the nonstop police/FBI/DEA/ICE block party on Decateur. We talked to a lot of people about the town, and heard a lot of different opinions on the future of NOLA. Some people were angry that the contractors all hired illegal Mexicans to help with all of the construction work. I agree that is a wrong move, especially when all the locals lost everything, including their jobs. On the other hand, I hope that the Mexican influence in NOLA turns out to be a good thing. That city has had a lot of different ethnicities move in there, and they all turned into a lovely spicy brew of gumbo. After the growing pains subside, maybe this will be just one more chapter in a very interesting city.

The above photo was from the rubble in front of someone's ruined house.
I miss New Orleans. I lived there for about 3 years and it was a great experience. I also went flat broke, and was writing bad checks to Walgreens just to eat. So I have a lot of mixed emotions about that town. but reallly positive on the whole. I learned a lot about different cultures when I was there.
Kris and I went back about four months after the storm for work. We toured all of the devastation, and saw the nonstop police/FBI/DEA/ICE block party on Decateur. We talked to a lot of people about the town, and heard a lot of different opinions on the future of NOLA. Some people were angry that the contractors all hired illegal Mexicans to help with all of the construction work. I agree that is a wrong move, especially when all the locals lost everything, including their jobs. On the other hand, I hope that the Mexican influence in NOLA turns out to be a good thing. That city has had a lot of different ethnicities move in there, and they all turned into a lovely spicy brew of gumbo. After the growing pains subside, maybe this will be just one more chapter in a very interesting city.

The above photo was from the rubble in front of someone's ruined house.

Awww I didn't know! Let's join forces! We can do it at my place if you want.. since you just had party.. let me know?

dood. walk home?! no way. ahahah i drove you guys home. i hope you guys dont feel so bad today! i had a blast! and i'm glad you like him! because i LOVE him. lets all hang out soon!