Okay, so, I went to go see Serenity today. I'm such a huge movie buff. Have been since I was little. It's probably one of the reasons I'm a theatre person. Anyway, I go to see the movie. I'm sitting there. I don't put my feet on the seat in front of me. I do, however, pick the seat that is directly in front of the jackass that decides he's in his fucking living room and talks at full voice during the fucking show. Oh, and then there's foot tappy guy sitting next to him. Oh, and then there's Gidget and the Pussy Posse who leave and then come back the movie they've OBVIOUSLY been dying to see 45 minutes later. And, apparently, it's catch up time for them and their friends too. I really fucking hate going to the movies these days. Because, too many people think it's alright to ruin other people's movie going experiences. And, come to find out, I'm the jerk for asking people to be quiet! Fuck you! It's because nobody says anything that stupid shit likes this pervades! So, fuck you if you talk during movies. Fuck you if you're with foot tappy guy. And, fuck you for having your baby with you at 10 o'clock at night at an R rated movie, you fucking stupid sack of monkey shit!
Oh, my back hurts too.
Oh, my back hurts too.

Who goes to a movie to talk?! What the fuck is the point? Why must they tap their foot? Why must they kick the back of my seat repeatedly, unless they want to get their asses kicked? Why must they fumbled with their candy wrappers for what seems like an eternity? Open the fuckin' candy and pour it into your hand, you cunt.
Ha. I love you already.
How was the movie? lol