So right now the quote that comes to mind is: "Lonliness, is such a drag" Jimi Hendrix, from the burning of the midnight lamp. I keep having these terrible nightmare in which I'm the vilain and am doing horrible things.(mostly killing or attempting to kill people, in very terrible ways I might add) I am shaken awake from the sheer horror. I don't know what...
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right now a real job(the editor comment was referring to the website i'm starting) would be a start. unemployment's a bitch.
yeah, i got an unemployment check for a more tahn i deserved so i now i have no job and i owe uenmployment money.
So the highlight of the day was driving down academy blvd at sunset jammng Joy division:Transmission. So yeah it was a pretty boring day. Quiting smoking today, not by choice, but because I have no money for cigs. frown I love to smoke. Oh well!!! Anyways when will I find an amazing girl who can make me forget about everything???? No time soon obviously. skull

Song of...
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ahh, here's to good driving music. joy division, one of my all-time faves. 'she's lost control' is occasionally my theme song, though i count it as more of a warning.

how soon is now... damn, if that doesn't bring back some memories...
Hey buddy -- sorry I haven't had a chance to write back yet. I've been busy. I'll check out the newest installation of the story and get back to you soon.

Gotta run --
So things have gone from bad to worse. Now not only am I broke, but I blew a tire today. To make matters even worse, I've hit another low on this roller coaster of post divorce depression. For some reason all the shit that I went through the first feew days al the shit went down that caused the divorce has come back to haunt...
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keep your head up, man, best of luck.
Bored, slow day, nothing to do. Only been up for about an hour, but already I'm bored. Broke too, not really broke, I have some money, but it's for bills. Now that I spent the last of what I had saved from my tax return, it's back to slumming it for a while till I can build my savings back up. Unless I happen to...
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So I realized something today, something that I can't do shit about, but will be quite impossible to ignore. At least for a while anyway.
So this is going to sound realy stupid and juvenille, so hopefully one of ya gets a good laugh out of it, at least then it'll all be good for something. So someone has to tell me why in the...
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"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell."
-Joan Crawford

Sometimes thats the way shit goes. It wouldn't be life if it was simple.
Think organic. Let things progress. If you push it, it'll be false.
All you can do is be there and be yourself. That should be plenty. If she doesnt bite then thats her loss.
Belive the hype.
And weasel is an excellent word.
And now that this is all comming about I'm starting to feel different.
Who didn't see that comming a mile away.
Maybe it will be different if everything is out in the open.
I think the uncertainty is being caused by the unknown.
What's his situation with 'her'?
What's with the change of heart?
What makes our situation different?
Is he a punk, or just afraid?
What the fuck is going on?

That kinda shit.

I'm overthinking this like he asked me to marry him or something.

If something comes of this how would you slowly become apart of each others lives again?

Being a grownup is hard...
ouch. girls are rough, even when we think we're making sense we're not half the time, i'm sure. but we've had that conversation already.

oh - at cursivearmy you can grab some downloads - it's gotta be more informative than i was last night...
Not much goin on now, just got through my last weekend of no responsibility before I go back to work frown Work sucks, anways, been continuing to fell very aggresive lately mad Which is odd, cause I don't ever remember felling this aggresive in my life. I've decided its not so much angry as previously suspected, more aggresive is how I'd describe it. Been trying to take...
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I agree with that hypothesis.
hey - i've gotta work 'til 7 tomorrow, so don't hurry on my account. why don't you just give me a call when you know - and we can figure it out from there. i think it's at the ogden. and you don't have anything to make up to me, it's cool...

glad the mansfields were fun - i wanted to see the birthday bash myself, but, alas, the timing was bad... so be it.

and what are you getting impatient over -if you don't mind me asking? what is it you want to get farther along with that you don't think you're doing?
Strange day...woke up this morning to find that a guy I work with shot himself at work today. Its wierd, never thought something like that would happen, not to me. It had me tinking back to that chill night in black september...the one where I saved the ex's life for reasons I still can't figure out, I guess it was because I didn't want my...
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lookin' like tonight or tomorrow? though... i can just call and harrass you either day, so i guess i gots no reason to sweat it...
Hmm... I've never heard that one, but both/all genders have elements of the other/s, right? So I guess it would depend on the individual. There are fathers with lots of yin, and conversely, mothers with a great deal of yang. "Man" and "woman" are so far from static, esp. today when fewer need to hide in a closet (although we are returning to the EXTREMEly patriarchal). I would think that these elements play an important role in the validity of that premise.
Nothin goin down tonight, Called my freinds they're all bitchin out cause its monday"and theres nothin happening on monday" Anyways, I'll probably go check out a show since everyone else is bein a pussy. Never heard of the group but who cares, I only get so much time for fun and can't waste a minute of it!
Brooke never called so on saturday i just...
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you can pass along the FAQ and my email if you'd like, we're always looking to talk to new people who might want to contribute anything. thanks.
hey cap'n - what's your real name?
When it rains it pours, Haven't had any attention from females for a long time until about wendsday it started. Been seeing a lot of Jessica lately first off, which I'll hang out with her every other day for two weeks and then not here from her for a month. Nothings going to happen there any way, cause she's made it quite clear that it'll...
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i am led to believe that you may have had your still-beating heart ripped out of your chest somewhat recently...

its still early post-break-up for me and i'm still young but man i got this lame feeling like trusting a girl ever again is gonna be a damned hard thing to do.

now they tell me i'm supposed to be rocking out and kissing lots of different girls at this age, but fuck, i just wanted to kiss that ONE girl...

i don't know why i typed this man, perhaps a vane hope that you have drawn a conclusion other than "girls suck."
find out if she has a sister wink
wow, last night was strange, woke up tired and Felling oddly depressed. Went to the coffee shop again and did some writing, for some reason felt more depresed after that. Went home, then my freind Q called, went over t his house for a while, After that me and his roommate scott went downtown and just chilled with his dad for a bit, then we...
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hey hey -

just saw you in the film group and thought i'd say hey. i knwo what you mean about that restless ready-to-go feeling. when i get that i know that either something really really good is about to happen or shit is really about to hit the fan. that, or i'm gonna get something pierced tongue

wofats is also down in the springs and worth gettin to know. most of the other folks i know are denver and thoroughly elsewhere.