Nothin goin down tonight, Called my freinds they're all bitchin out cause its monday"and theres nothin happening on monday" Anyways, I'll probably go check out a show since everyone else is bein a pussy. Never heard of the group but who cares, I only get so much time for fun and can't waste a minute of it!
Brooke never called so on saturday i just said fuck it and went to the punk rock show alone. Went into the pit some big giant bastard kept tryin to take me out but I just kept goin' fuck it! So it was apretty uneventful night saturday, but it did remind me of al the clique bullshit in the local punk scene.
Last night this girl who I gave my number to last wednesday called and wanted to go out, so I took her out. Kinda a date from hell cause she spent at least an hour talking about her ex, I was thinkin to myself, man I hope I was never that bad, but I'm pretty sure I was. It put things in perspective for me though, cause here I was feeling like I haven't made any progress at all, and after last night I see that I've made a lot of progress, in fact it seems like I've travelled a thousand miles. It's been a long hard journey, but I'm doing it and although I have a long ways to go still I think I'll make it.
Wish I had another date tonight, tried to call Leah(the girl from last night) again cause she said she might be up for something but didn't get a hold of her, which is ok I guess. So now I'm just gonna take a drive and mabe go see the show, who knows what could happen???
Song of the day:
Kill Hannah-they can't save us now
UPDATE: Went to the show, had a fuckin blast!!!
It was Andrew W.K., and The Locusts, not my ususal cup of tea, but had fun! The crowd too was a lot more freindly and less clique-ish than the punk rock crowd from saturday nights show. Had fun in the pit, man thats a fuckin workout!!! Leah(girl from last night) called while I was at the show, didn't notice I thought it felt like my phone was ringing but by the time I got it out of my pocket it wasn't, apparently it got picked up, probably from all the getting bumped into and shit, oops. Too late to call her now, will call tommorrow, hopefully it'll go somewhere
Anyways I even climbed up on stage, ti was great there were like 50 people up on stage and the security was freakin tryin to pull people off and shit, but then the singer was like nah, everybodys cool where they are, leave em alone or we aint playin no more, it was fuckin bad ass! Didn't know anybody at the show cept my tattoo artist but it was one of those nights I'm never gonna forget!
Brooke never called so on saturday i just said fuck it and went to the punk rock show alone. Went into the pit some big giant bastard kept tryin to take me out but I just kept goin' fuck it! So it was apretty uneventful night saturday, but it did remind me of al the clique bullshit in the local punk scene.
Last night this girl who I gave my number to last wednesday called and wanted to go out, so I took her out. Kinda a date from hell cause she spent at least an hour talking about her ex, I was thinkin to myself, man I hope I was never that bad, but I'm pretty sure I was. It put things in perspective for me though, cause here I was feeling like I haven't made any progress at all, and after last night I see that I've made a lot of progress, in fact it seems like I've travelled a thousand miles. It's been a long hard journey, but I'm doing it and although I have a long ways to go still I think I'll make it.
Wish I had another date tonight, tried to call Leah(the girl from last night) again cause she said she might be up for something but didn't get a hold of her, which is ok I guess. So now I'm just gonna take a drive and mabe go see the show, who knows what could happen???

Song of the day:
Kill Hannah-they can't save us now
UPDATE: Went to the show, had a fuckin blast!!!

you can pass along the FAQ and my email if you'd like, we're always looking to talk to new people who might want to contribute anything. thanks.
hey cap'n - what's your real name?