wow, last night was strange, woke up tired and Felling oddly depressed. Went to the coffee shop again and did some writing, for some reason felt more depresed after that. Went home, then my freind Q called, went over t his house for a while, After that me and his roommate scott went downtown and just chilled with his dad for a bit, then we went to a bar he's going to be tending at.
Talked to some girl for a while, gave her my number cause she asked.
After that we went to the bar scotts dad owns for some free after hours drinks. Didn't get home till 5. Slept most of the day. Been a broad spectrum of moods lately mainly between a velvet underground sort of beatnick mood, and a minor threat lets kick some ass mood.
Now at this point I'm starting to get a little tired, but still ready to keep going out for more. You may be asking why???
Well the answer to that is simple. First of this is the only real time I'm gonna get to myself for a long time, and Two I wrote in my notebook yesterday that I'm starting to feel like I did in High school.
The way I felt was I really wanted to do something that mattered, something different, really get out and live. Yesterday I wrote something to the extent of that I feel wrestless, and tired at the same time, And that I don't feel like I'm really fully living my life. I wrote that I want to really live, to go out and do something, I want to make my mark to do something that really matters, I want to meet the girl of my dreams, I want so many thing but have no Idea of how to start getting them, So I go out. Theres another reason why I go out all the time but its real hard to explain and may sound odd, maybe I'll get to that later
also added some pics from last weekends insanity its the drunken adventures photoset
Oh well
Songs of the day
1.Velvet Underground-venus in furs
2.brand new-jude law and a semester abroad
3. Minor threat-I don't wanna hear it
4. Minor threat- Filler
Talked to some girl for a while, gave her my number cause she asked.
After that we went to the bar scotts dad owns for some free after hours drinks. Didn't get home till 5. Slept most of the day. Been a broad spectrum of moods lately mainly between a velvet underground sort of beatnick mood, and a minor threat lets kick some ass mood.
Now at this point I'm starting to get a little tired, but still ready to keep going out for more. You may be asking why???
Well the answer to that is simple. First of this is the only real time I'm gonna get to myself for a long time, and Two I wrote in my notebook yesterday that I'm starting to feel like I did in High school.
The way I felt was I really wanted to do something that mattered, something different, really get out and live. Yesterday I wrote something to the extent of that I feel wrestless, and tired at the same time, And that I don't feel like I'm really fully living my life. I wrote that I want to really live, to go out and do something, I want to make my mark to do something that really matters, I want to meet the girl of my dreams, I want so many thing but have no Idea of how to start getting them, So I go out. Theres another reason why I go out all the time but its real hard to explain and may sound odd, maybe I'll get to that later
also added some pics from last weekends insanity its the drunken adventures photoset
Oh well

Songs of the day
1.Velvet Underground-venus in furs
2.brand new-jude law and a semester abroad
3. Minor threat-I don't wanna hear it
4. Minor threat- Filler
just saw you in the film group and thought i'd say hey. i knwo what you mean about that restless ready-to-go feeling. when i get that i know that either something really really good is about to happen or shit is really about to hit the fan. that, or i'm gonna get something pierced
wofats is also down in the springs and worth gettin to know. most of the other folks i know are denver and thoroughly elsewhere.