Havent written anything in a very long time, so I figured I should somewhere.
Got back from Iraq in late August. Everything was all a whirl for a long time, still kind of is. The wife and I took a trip to salt lake. Saw NIN twice, once there and once at red rocks, it was pretty cool. Floated in Salt Lake, it was one...
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Got back from Iraq in late August. Everything was all a whirl for a long time, still kind of is. The wife and I took a trip to salt lake. Saw NIN twice, once there and once at red rocks, it was pretty cool. Floated in Salt Lake, it was one...
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"Down and Out"
So, I've come again to the point where I am poor again. Not really poor, not as poor as I have been before, but poor enough to where I'm worried about it a lot. Poor enough to where money kind of matters to me again. There are several things I only care about when I don't have them. One of those things...
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So, I've come again to the point where I am poor again. Not really poor, not as poor as I have been before, but poor enough to where I'm worried about it a lot. Poor enough to where money kind of matters to me again. There are several things I only care about when I don't have them. One of those things...
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Like Eating Glass
So Work has been hell. I got so mad the other day I punched the wall and now my middle finger don't feel so good. Anyways, tomorrow I'm off on a road trip. Going to Denver to pick up Willy then we're heading into cowboy country, fucking wyoming to see Johnny. After that we're all heading to SLC to this decent goth/industrial...
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So Work has been hell. I got so mad the other day I punched the wall and now my middle finger don't feel so good. Anyways, tomorrow I'm off on a road trip. Going to Denver to pick up Willy then we're heading into cowboy country, fucking wyoming to see Johnny. After that we're all heading to SLC to this decent goth/industrial...
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Belated welcome to SG Colorado! Hope to see you at some shows around town.
So the past few days have been interesting. It was a busy week and I mainly just worked. I was working for the weekend. On Friday it was just another day at work, just another day except this new boss I have continued to piss me off as always. Then at the beginning of shift on Saturday he crossed the...
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So the past few days have been interesting. It was a busy week and I mainly just worked. I was working for the weekend. On Friday it was just another day at work, just another day except this new boss I have continued to piss me off as always. Then at the beginning of shift on Saturday he crossed the...
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Sorry I haven't gotten your mix out to you yet. Damn relaunching my website has put the rest of my life on hold.
Any type of cd you'd like? I'll try get it out early next week.

Any type of cd you'd like? I'll try get it out early next week.
Yeah, I know, life can be crazy sometimes, I'm all about working on my website today, I'm hoping to get it up and running fully.
I'm also planning on working on a cd full of my fave girl poppy tunes by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Oohlas, etc. I might send you out a copy of that one.
I'm also planning on working on a cd full of my fave girl poppy tunes by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Oohlas, etc. I might send you out a copy of that one.
Great Fuckin times!!!!
So tonight I was supposed to be at work, but I had Jury Duty so I got a night off. I got dismissed from the jury right away so I have nothing to do in the morning but sleep. So I'm driving home from jury duty when I see that a local punk band that I see from time to time is...
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So tonight I was supposed to be at work, but I had Jury Duty so I got a night off. I got dismissed from the jury right away so I have nothing to do in the morning but sleep. So I'm driving home from jury duty when I see that a local punk band that I see from time to time is...
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If you like the northern accent you should hear my family at holidays. It's more than a little amusing. 

The trains are so loud
So Johnny Chimpo calls today to tell me he is back in town. Then he calls me again at like 8pm and says he's at a show. So even though I'm pretty broke I go and meet up with him. It turned out to be a bunch of bands we really weren't that into. But it was getting out nevertheless....
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So Johnny Chimpo calls today to tell me he is back in town. Then he calls me again at like 8pm and says he's at a show. So even though I'm pretty broke I go and meet up with him. It turned out to be a bunch of bands we really weren't that into. But it was getting out nevertheless....
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are you gonna be at the american head charge tonite???
A day, just another boring, random day
The white hot sun was beating down as I sped down the boulevard, blaring the Sonic Youth masterpieces Catholic Block and Death Valley '69. I was in a hurry to get across town, when my progress was slowed down by something I've been noticing a lot of around town lately. A black man in his twenties on a...
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The white hot sun was beating down as I sped down the boulevard, blaring the Sonic Youth masterpieces Catholic Block and Death Valley '69. I was in a hurry to get across town, when my progress was slowed down by something I've been noticing a lot of around town lately. A black man in his twenties on a...
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Fortune Cookies: a drunken rant
This really has nothing to do with anything but: Don't you hate when you think of exactly the perfect thing to say after the fact? I do, it happens at least once a day. Does that make me slow witted, or does thi happen to everyone else too?
I love fortune cookies!!! It's one of the many many many things...
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This really has nothing to do with anything but: Don't you hate when you think of exactly the perfect thing to say after the fact? I do, it happens at least once a day. Does that make me slow witted, or does thi happen to everyone else too?
I love fortune cookies!!! It's one of the many many many things...
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I'm not funny
Disgruntled working wife
The hot new girl
the boss
So it was another night at work. I should be asleep now but just don't feel like it yet. It helps to be really tired. The highlights of the night were a brief beret-slap fight with the Disgruntled working wife whom I was working with last night, and the...
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Disgruntled working wife
The hot new girl
the boss
So it was another night at work. I should be asleep now but just don't feel like it yet. It helps to be really tired. The highlights of the night were a brief beret-slap fight with the Disgruntled working wife whom I was working with last night, and the...
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ok finally I'll say whats going on, didn't before cause I was being real superstitious, now I'm just tryin to let go and let whatever happens happen.
So anyways I started talkin to the ex again, and am sorta trying to work thing out with her. Feel free to tel me what a dumb idea it is, but I just couldn't bullshit myself anymore on...
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So anyways I started talkin to the ex again, and am sorta trying to work thing out with her. Feel free to tel me what a dumb idea it is, but I just couldn't bullshit myself anymore on...
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well, and?
how're things???
how're things???