There was once a time in my life when i could keep my chin up. When i had friends to pick me up when i was down. There were people that i though cared about me. Well all those friends and people are pretty much used up and i have very few left. I have made bad decisions in my life, but the friends that...
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oh i know YOU!! you partied at teh hosue once or twice didnt you? i remember your stars. your main profile picture threw me.
thank u
hope 2 c u then

What can i say. The original reason i joined this site has made it clear that it has nothing to do with me at all anymore. I have no reason to come back and i have no will to keep going. I still go on, living like this, but why. I have no motivation. my job stresses me out, i am always stressed out when...
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that to sad
u hope u feel better soon
u hope u feel better soon

To live a life like mine is no easy task. You must have yourself taken away from everyone and everything you ever cared about. Then, everyone in your life either lies to you, abandons you or is never heard from again. For an active member in the military there sure are very few people who care that i am still alive. It seems as though...
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Well, i am still nothing but at least i make more money than i made before.
please kill me. I have nothing. i am nothing
One final day of peace before this months settles upon me. The stress of the month will really get to me. I know that i cannot get past certain things in the past but everyday i still struggle to get by. I have hurt people, and been hurt. But there are no ways around feeling the way i do. I have felt this sadness upon...
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I love drave suicide. She has been the nicest and kindest friend to me since i have been to virginia. Though, very sadly, i am leaving virginia in about 3 weeks. I don't know how i am going to say goodbye. Perhaps it will be time for a first/last kiss situation. A kiss to say goodbye and a promise that i will keep in contact...
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Aww your so sweet. Thank you for the ring. I will miss you and Im sure you will be missed by a bunch of people. I am glad that I had the chance to meet you. I will never forget all the nice things that youve done for me including sitting outside with me all summer at the tattoo shop and making my days go by so quickly and fun. ANd even when You were the DJ with your car infront of the shop. That was a fun ass summer I wish every summer was that fun. I am thankful that I have met such a nice sweet friend as you. You better stop by and hang out with me before you leave.

I swear to god, that alberto gonzales is being a douchebag with some of theses girls. What the fuck is his deal. It may be art but no one wants your fucking censorship shit.
I think you need to write more on here. lol.
Thank you for my ring.

I know that the profile pic came out real bad so if you want to see any other pics,just im me at yahoo at demon666goth.
I am almost always on so feel free to talk, i am always up for a good convo.
aka CaptHowdy
aka The General
I am almost always on so feel free to talk, i am always up for a good convo.
aka CaptHowdy
aka The General
Welcome to the world of SG. Try not to let us run you out the place. *licks*
your picture is taken in the wave! I win.