I just pulled the most amazing ninja move and saved 4 fingers of scotch from ending up all over my laptop.
Now I'm off to study me some how-to-teach-math. Jesus, I pity any middle-school students who have to learn their math from me. Why can't I just be an art teacher and call it a day?

Now I'm off to study me some how-to-teach-math. Jesus, I pity any middle-school students who have to learn their math from me. Why can't I just be an art teacher and call it a day?

i have an important job, it's just really fucking boring.
my puppy is kind of evil, but so fucking cute! sometimes she reminds me of me. *sniff*
yeah you should so come out next time. theres another show on monday august 8th that im heading into. basically i just go to support my friends band. later gator!