Thursday Nov 17, 2005 Nov 17, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Fool me once shame on you, fool me eleventy-billion times shame on me. This brief moment of despair brought to you by the letter X. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS solaris: it absolutely is the best set in ages. it's nice when the bar is set that high, not that i could ever live up to that but it opens doors to more interesting possibilities. imagination is fun! the more you know.. Nov 18, 2005 yawg: Hahaha... I can so realate to that. There are certain areas in my life where I think I walk around with "Sucker" written on my forehead. Nov 19, 2005
I can so realate to that. There are certain areas in my life where I think I walk around with "Sucker" written on my forehead.