I have nothing important to say. I had to take the list down because it was taunting me. Maybe I'll just post up some playlists from now on. Like "Music to make sweet fuck to" or "Yes that was me that said I want to kick your ass while listening to this music". I'm very angry and annoyed right now.
I refuse to accept that snotty shithead little fucks can beat me at video games. I know it sounds petty....but what the fuck? I played Savage against this one little fucker today who had the vocab of a 14/15 year old and he kept making shitty fucking moves....basicly cheating...but not cheating if you know what I mean. No decent player would play like that. It's like the simple game rejects....Tic-Tac-Toe. Nothing agrivates me more than people who don't actually play the game...but rather use that same opening move every fucking time to win. It's not playing the game if you're not actually strategizing. It's like cheating on a fucking exam. I get mad just explaining it.
God I feel like an angst-riddden teenager right now. Grrrrrr. I don't want to wake up at 7:15am. Everyone kiss my sac. Seriously. AND WHY THE FUCK DO I WANT TO SMOKE SO GOD DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I...fucking...hate....everything. Except sex and beer and smokes and music. Everything can fucking lapse for all I care. [shit on you]
I refuse to accept that snotty shithead little fucks can beat me at video games. I know it sounds petty....but what the fuck? I played Savage against this one little fucker today who had the vocab of a 14/15 year old and he kept making shitty fucking moves....basicly cheating...but not cheating if you know what I mean. No decent player would play like that. It's like the simple game rejects....Tic-Tac-Toe. Nothing agrivates me more than people who don't actually play the game...but rather use that same opening move every fucking time to win. It's not playing the game if you're not actually strategizing. It's like cheating on a fucking exam. I get mad just explaining it.
God I feel like an angst-riddden teenager right now. Grrrrrr. I don't want to wake up at 7:15am. Everyone kiss my sac. Seriously. AND WHY THE FUCK DO I WANT TO SMOKE SO GOD DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I...fucking...hate....everything. Except sex and beer and smokes and music. Everything can fucking lapse for all I care. [shit on you]
Hugs as I fix it.