Ugggh. I finally bought Savage: Battle for Newerth yesterday. Fucking $50!! Yes they were actually having sex in my wallet. 3 way. Two twenties and a ten. It was pretty hot. Then when it was time to be handed over to Circuit City, they brought a few coins as toys and really went to town.
Anyway the game is just fucking awesome. Addictive : Yes. Bad for me : Yes. The demo totally ruled all ass, but now the retail has some problems. How the fuck is that possible? The working code for the pre-production product is better than the shelved product. Anyone who plays the game knows what i'm talking about I assume. Anyway if you're into gaming check it out.
I sort of had a bit of free time this morning without work bothering me and all. They ruined that about 15 minutes ago and now I have to go on call. Fuckers. Also I found out last night the it's next to impossible to install Suse Linux 8.2 on a system with an SATA controller. No I don't check my spelling. plumbers.
Anyway the game is just fucking awesome. Addictive : Yes. Bad for me : Yes. The demo totally ruled all ass, but now the retail has some problems. How the fuck is that possible? The working code for the pre-production product is better than the shelved product. Anyone who plays the game knows what i'm talking about I assume. Anyway if you're into gaming check it out.
I sort of had a bit of free time this morning without work bothering me and all. They ruined that about 15 minutes ago and now I have to go on call. Fuckers. Also I found out last night the it's next to impossible to install Suse Linux 8.2 on a system with an SATA controller. No I don't check my spelling. plumbers.