This past week has been beyond hectic with work. My boss has been shoveling all her work onto me because she's quitting soon and won't be here anyway. It's beyond frustrating to have to do all the work without any of the extra pay. At least today wasn't too bad since it's Sunday and they're always slow, plus she didn't show today (surprise surprise). I saw she had a huge pile of work on her desk on my way in but since there was nothing telling me I had to do it I decided to try and take it easy. Did a bunch of call qualities which is always frustrating because there are a lot of new hires but at least I got to read a few graphic novels.
I can't wait until next Friday! Three day weekend and it's payday so I'll be able to go out and do something lol
Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday.
I can't wait until next Friday! Three day weekend and it's payday so I'll be able to go out and do something lol
Hope you're all enjoying your Sunday.
And yay for three day weekends!