Hey there everyone, I hope you're all enjoying the last work day of the week (for most of you).
I started today by eating an egg mcmuffin, I know they're not good for you but damn are they delicious. I'm rarely up early enough on my days off to pick one up but I'm glad I got to start off my day with that. After that I went and saw Friends With Benefits which was pretty damn great. It was the first showing of the day so there weren't many people there, as a matter of fact it was me and my brother and then two other people. Half way through the movie the other people left though which I don't get because I really dug the movie. Mila Kunis is so cute and Justin Timberlake was actually very funny in it.
After that went to Friendly's and had some lunch followed by an amazing birthday cake ice cream. Then I came home and took a fantastic nap before playing some more of Catherine. I just finished the 5th day nightmare so I'm a little over half the game, it's pretty short but it's been great so far.
Now I'm just relaxing in bed watching 90s Spider-Man. Such a great day so far.
I started today by eating an egg mcmuffin, I know they're not good for you but damn are they delicious. I'm rarely up early enough on my days off to pick one up but I'm glad I got to start off my day with that. After that I went and saw Friends With Benefits which was pretty damn great. It was the first showing of the day so there weren't many people there, as a matter of fact it was me and my brother and then two other people. Half way through the movie the other people left though which I don't get because I really dug the movie. Mila Kunis is so cute and Justin Timberlake was actually very funny in it.
After that went to Friendly's and had some lunch followed by an amazing birthday cake ice cream. Then I came home and took a fantastic nap before playing some more of Catherine. I just finished the 5th day nightmare so I'm a little over half the game, it's pretty short but it's been great so far.
Now I'm just relaxing in bed watching 90s Spider-Man. Such a great day so far.
Thanks! No it wasn't my birthday sadly it's just the best kind of ice cream in the world. It's vanilla ice cream with little chunks of birthday cake and frosting mixed in. It's just too good to pass up.
Wow you yanks have some crazy cool creations! That sounds amazing! Save me a scoop?