Damn it's so nice outside. Good thing I got an early start to my day and enjoyed it. Going to a Super Bowl Party at a friends place. Bringing my new girl, so that should be fun. She'll fit right in. I got a new girl about a month ago, and she's great. Been having a lot of fun with her. I finally decided to get into a relationship with someone that I really like. It's been a while, but we share a lot of the same values, and political stuff, and all that other shit. It's nice to meet someone and like them for all that they are.
Oh, before I forget, if your state is having it's primary on Tuesday, go vote. This is the time to voice your opinion. Whether it's Hillary, Barack, or McCain, go do it, because come next year, it's not going to be Bush!
Oh, before I forget, if your state is having it's primary on Tuesday, go vote. This is the time to voice your opinion. Whether it's Hillary, Barack, or McCain, go do it, because come next year, it's not going to be Bush!
It's so nice outside!??!?! WHAT?! It was terrible and rainy all weekend here, stupid California and it's crazy stormy weather. I wanna be back there consuming drinks and watching Bridget the midget porn with you again, haha. <3