What a week. I have done basically nothing all week. Very relaxing and boring at the same time. I have been at the gym every day this week, so that is one good thing. I have also been out every night.
Yesterday was the Trashion Party at Marquee. I so desparately hate that place, but a friend of mine wanted to go. I can't stand places where they judge whether you're cool enough to enter. They make you wait on line, and then some jerk off with a clip board decides on your fate. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. It wasn't all that bad though.
Last week I spent a crazy amount of money. New clothes, camera, my trip to India. My whole work bonus is pretty much gone.
Next week I'm off to Boston for work. Should be pretty good, but I'll have to see and hear all about the Red Sox.
Yesterday was the Trashion Party at Marquee. I so desparately hate that place, but a friend of mine wanted to go. I can't stand places where they judge whether you're cool enough to enter. They make you wait on line, and then some jerk off with a clip board decides on your fate. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. It wasn't all that bad though.
Last week I spent a crazy amount of money. New clothes, camera, my trip to India. My whole work bonus is pretty much gone.
Next week I'm off to Boston for work. Should be pretty good, but I'll have to see and hear all about the Red Sox.
We are officially internet friends. 

yeah that would be funny except i don't live with my mother, we're actually homeowners.