I fucking hate our president. I watched the state of the union last night and listened to him spout off the same bullshit he always does. Our economy is so great. Millions of new jobs are being created. America is getting stronger, bla bla bla.
Guess what asshole, the economy is in the toilet because you want to play tin solder. Those jobs that are being created are minimum wage. And the only people getting stronger in America are the corporations.
Did you know Exxon posted the highest ever profits for an American company recently? 38 Billion dollars. Billion. Ford auto announced more layoffs and plant closing. A few days after they made that announcement they started running commercials for their take back the roads campaign.
It a occurred to me the other day that a rarely eat meat anymore, I cant afford to. The closest thing I eat to meat is hotdogs and because their cheep. And yes technically hotdogs are meat but when I say meat Im referring to beef, chicken, pork ect.
You know what my best job prospect is right now? A cashier in a grocery store for 5.25 an hour. Even if I worked 40 hours a week thats only 210 dollars a week before taxes. Thats 840 dollars a month, and 10,080 dollars a year. Keep in mind that these numbers are all before taxes. Now all of that is figured on a 40-hour week, which isnt going to happen because that would make me a full time employee. A lot of companies only schedule their employees for 28 to 32 hours a week, and thats considered full time.
A friend told me last night that he is thinking of packing up as much of his stuff as he can in his car and going to live with his sister in Colorado. The job market there is better than what it is here in Michigan.
Ive lived in Michigan 33 of my 35-year life. I love this state, but I also know that its sucking the life out of me. Unless something changes soon Im going to have move.
I have a friend in Boston who has told me she can get me a good job if I move there. Unless some miracle job lands in my lap I dont think I have much of a choice. It will just be a matter of getting the money to move.
Ok Im done venting. I have more applications I need to get filled out. Yeah me.
Guess what asshole, the economy is in the toilet because you want to play tin solder. Those jobs that are being created are minimum wage. And the only people getting stronger in America are the corporations.
Did you know Exxon posted the highest ever profits for an American company recently? 38 Billion dollars. Billion. Ford auto announced more layoffs and plant closing. A few days after they made that announcement they started running commercials for their take back the roads campaign.
It a occurred to me the other day that a rarely eat meat anymore, I cant afford to. The closest thing I eat to meat is hotdogs and because their cheep. And yes technically hotdogs are meat but when I say meat Im referring to beef, chicken, pork ect.
You know what my best job prospect is right now? A cashier in a grocery store for 5.25 an hour. Even if I worked 40 hours a week thats only 210 dollars a week before taxes. Thats 840 dollars a month, and 10,080 dollars a year. Keep in mind that these numbers are all before taxes. Now all of that is figured on a 40-hour week, which isnt going to happen because that would make me a full time employee. A lot of companies only schedule their employees for 28 to 32 hours a week, and thats considered full time.
A friend told me last night that he is thinking of packing up as much of his stuff as he can in his car and going to live with his sister in Colorado. The job market there is better than what it is here in Michigan.
Ive lived in Michigan 33 of my 35-year life. I love this state, but I also know that its sucking the life out of me. Unless something changes soon Im going to have move.
I have a friend in Boston who has told me she can get me a good job if I move there. Unless some miracle job lands in my lap I dont think I have much of a choice. It will just be a matter of getting the money to move.
Ok Im done venting. I have more applications I need to get filled out. Yeah me.
Don't give yourself any excuses as too why you can't do it because I have read your work and you my friend are one scary smart mother fucker, the only thing holding you back is you and your belief in yourself.
I feel that we are very similar in a lot of ways, I get depressed and suffer self doubt and morbidity about my life on occasion I also struggle with self esteem issues *my weight being one area* and a lack self confidence as you may have seen in past entries by my poetry, yet at those times seek out my close friends and get their support and approval. You see the truth is I am successful by the standards of my peers and the society that I live in. I run a successful business with my partner, I have a number of profitable investments and am enjoying a great lifestyle I just tend to forget every now and then.
I have absolutely no doubt my brother, that if I can do it then you can too, I would love to see you be successful by your own measure and would also be happy to help you achieve that measure.
So instead of filling out job applications, why not fill out a business plan, what is it that you love to do and are, or could be, good at.
I started my business with less than $500.00 and it has been cash flow positive since day one and last week we grossed over $140 000. This year from just this one business we will gross around 5.4 million dollars.
In August we are heading to China to open a call centre to help market our business and to reduce our back office and marketing costs and the funny thing is I am a high school drop out, although I did go back and finish my HSC four years later at an adult evening college.
BTW in China we will be happily paying minimum wage at around $1.00 an hour as that is the market rate and whats more I don't feel at all guilty about it as we will be providing around 70 jobs and injecting much need capital into the local economy.
I am telling you this mate because after all this, I come home at night and often read your stories and wish I could write like you and get envious at your obvious intelect and talent, you are a very intelligent man why not use a small portion of it to make some money and grant yourself some financial freedom.
[Edited on Feb 03, 2006 3:02AM]