My hidden agenda is better than yours.
Sweeeeeeeet. wink

If you look very carefully, my nipples appear in at least two places in my pictures... wink
I fucking hate our president. I watched the state of the union last night and listened to him spout off the same bullshit he always does. Our economy is so great. Millions of new jobs are being created. America is getting stronger, bla bla bla.

Guess what asshole, the economy is in the toilet because you want to play tin solder. Those jobs that are...
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yep very tradional mate, a bit like guy falks days haha
Hey instead of trying to find a job why not start your own business and take responsibility for your own life my brother after all no one owes you a living son except you and least of all that fuck-wit Bush, so fuck him and get off ya arse and do it for yourself, oh and your welcome at my place any time my brother, come on over and let an Aussie show you how it's done wink

Don't give yourself any excuses as too why you can't do it because I have read your work and you my friend are one scary smart mother fucker, the only thing holding you back is you and your belief in yourself.

I feel that we are very similar in a lot of ways, I get depressed and suffer self doubt and morbidity about my life on occasion I also struggle with self esteem issues *my weight being one area* and a lack self confidence as you may have seen in past entries by my poetry, yet at those times seek out my close friends and get their support and approval. You see the truth is I am successful by the standards of my peers and the society that I live in. I run a successful business with my partner, I have a number of profitable investments and am enjoying a great lifestyle I just tend to forget every now and then.
I have absolutely no doubt my brother, that if I can do it then you can too, I would love to see you be successful by your own measure and would also be happy to help you achieve that measure.
So instead of filling out job applications, why not fill out a business plan, what is it that you love to do and are, or could be, good at.
I started my business with less than $500.00 and it has been cash flow positive since day one and last week we grossed over $140 000. This year from just this one business we will gross around 5.4 million dollars.
In August we are heading to China to open a call centre to help market our business and to reduce our back office and marketing costs and the funny thing is I am a high school drop out, although I did go back and finish my HSC four years later at an adult evening college.
BTW in China we will be happily paying minimum wage at around $1.00 an hour as that is the market rate and whats more I don't feel at all guilty about it as we will be providing around 70 jobs and injecting much need capital into the local economy.

I am telling you this mate because after all this, I come home at night and often read your stories and wish I could write like you and get envious at your obvious intelect and talent, you are a very intelligent man why not use a small portion of it to make some money and grant yourself some financial freedom.


[Edited on Feb 03, 2006 3:02AM]
My life is complicated. My neurotic obsessive worrying over things I have no control over brings on most of the complications. Yet still I worry.

My mind is full of stories just waiting to be set to page; but when I go to write I cant find the words. I could tell you stories of love and desire, hope, desperation and redemption if we were...
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my mind races at night also. I lie there and it just goes and goes. Some simple stretches have been helping me
really a whole box?
bc kitties are pretty fucking cute.
The other day I saw something interesting. I was walking to my car when there was a car accident right at the main driveway of the lot I was in. It wasnt a bad accident, just a fender bender.

I watched from my car as an extremely attractive girl in her late teens early twenties got out of her car. With in 2 minutes 5...
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All I have to say about above post: WTF? and in the same breath, I'm not surprised. But how sad and tongue to them
So I did go back to CMH, actually I called them rather than risk another encounter like the first time. I waited a day until I shook off the wtf feeling from the guard. So heres what happened. My doctor is longer there due to state cutbacks in there funding. When he left my file was closed so I was told I would have to...
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It's okay dood. My girlfriend left me and she was the only thing that kept me sane. Just keep your head up somethings gotta happen soon.
snap out of it mate, and joke em if they can't take a fuck.
We will have a beer together yet
Ive been having a rough time and I decided that I needed to talk to someone. So I go over to Community Mental Health to try and see my doctor or a therapist. I told the guard at the desk I need to see someone. He looked at me and then said in a pissy tone, Theres no one here to talk to you, its...
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what a prick he was

if you need to talk then give me a call +61 413664583 any time, I love to chat anyway so do it and I will call you straight back as my phone bill is covered by the company.
seriously mate call me, we'll shoot the breeze for a bit.
I hope when you go back you'll find someone more understanding.
Sorry I haven't been around much, I've had some personal things to get sorted out. Best to just say it that way and let it drop.

ok then, still don't be a stranger to long mate
I think Golden Earring said it best.

My whole life spins in to a frenzy...
Well Im not going to be spending New Years Eve where I wanted to be, but at least Im not going to be a lone so I guess thats something.

I was going to do my year end wrap up thing today but my back is killing me and Im gonna go lay down till the drugs kick in.

Happy New Year to all, be...
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happy fucking new year
Merry ho ho ho. smile
i hope you had a great christmas!