Yuma's very tiny, but it has a decent size art/theater scene. I just went to see a series of independent films at the historic theater on Main St.
One was called "the Grocer's Son." A son takes over his father's business while he's in the hospital. He drives this van around the countryside selling groceries to all the old farmers. I would love to have that job. Even though you're out in the country, you get to talk to lots of people and visit with them while you bring them food all day. It seemed so peaceful and fulfilling. I wish people could get by doing simple jobs like that.

One was called "the Grocer's Son." A son takes over his father's business while he's in the hospital. He drives this van around the countryside selling groceries to all the old farmers. I would love to have that job. Even though you're out in the country, you get to talk to lots of people and visit with them while you bring them food all day. It seemed so peaceful and fulfilling. I wish people could get by doing simple jobs like that.
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