Ahoy all, I got a new tat on the 17th as a x-mas gift from my bro. I'll be posting pics soon. I just had to get one more before I went to Iraq, and yes I more than likely get one when I get back. I'm kinda pissed I have to take out all my piercings soon though, ARRR!
Ahoy all! I just found out this past weekend that I am being sent over to Iraq and "fight" in the war. I won't really be fighting though, I mean that's not my job. I well more than likely endure some firing during our convoys, but for the most part I will be at a camp. Arrr, crazieness! I'll be out there for about a... Read More
shit that wars still goin on? shows how much i pay attention. thats gotta suck ass you havin to be sent over there. just remember all those nifty little safety techniques you see in the movies.
I am now not only the PR manager of my brothers' band, but I am now the new bass player. I got some work ahead of me, woow. Our band's name is Armenia, we don't have a web site yet, but I'm working on it. Rock n Roll!
spookycon was fun, met a coulple vampires, actors, directors. got drunk and got a bunch of cool shit from the vendors. I'm the PR manager of a band now, and we're having a concert sometime soon, and bad influence(winners of the sacramento hard rock cafe battle of the bands) is opening. more on that on later days. if your in the east bay area and... Read More
The PR manager? Odd... I would have never thought of you as the Puerto Rican type. Oddly enough I just realised you live in Brentwood... I was going catfishing up there earlier this year.
Going to spooky Con in San Francisco this weekend. It's going to be great! any one else in the bay area that are going let me know, or if you wanna know more about the covention filled with horror moive writers, actors, and horror fans let me know. Arrrrrr!
If you could mix 2 animals and call the hybrid whatever you want what would you mix, and what would you call it?
ex: cockatail + suckerfish = cocksucker
large mouth bass + hornytoad = Large mouth horny piece of bass
dog + cat = man's best pussy
Ahoy maties! Wow did I have a great Monday night. I went to the death guild in san francisco, and it was my first time there. It was pretty cool, untill my friend and I got kicked out. Aparently there really stricked there. when I wasn't looking my friend took a sip of my drink, and he is under 21, so we had to roam... Read More
All right maties, if any one else has questions agout the death guild, you can check out there web site at www.deathguild.com
I can't tell you to much about the place, since I've only been there once, and I wasn't there for very long, because of my rum steeling first mate.
If you do have questions, I will try to answer them though. I'm just trying to get a bunch of people together, to have a good time, cause fun is what pirates do best! Arrrrr!
Set the sails, head to sea.
pass the rum down to me.
chug it down, have some more.
drink till you hit the floor.
yo ho ho pass down the rum,
but not before you chug some.
yo ho ho chasing booty,
all I want I get for free!
Play a beat on my drum,
as we all drink our rum.
come on now, sing... Read More