Yet another god forsaken day in this pile of shit that constitutes my life for the next 6 weeks.
I was awoken today by the sounds of my mother screaming at my brothers, and them stomping around in the kitchen directly over my bed. It went on for at least 45 minutes. It made me want to cry, and vomit, and I still want to.
I don't know how much more of this I can take. My goal is to move out by June 1st. It is the only way that I am not going to end up being killed, or killing myself. The good news is that my dad is going to help me get an apartment, because I can't do it alone.
Anyway. So I know these kids from last spring when I would go punk rock bowling. Good times. And then I lost touch with them, and I finally started seeing them again a month ago or so. It started being the highlight of my week to go hang out with them on Wed nights. This one girl always gives me a hard time cause I never called her. Well guess what? I have been trying to get ahold of her for the last 10 days. No luck.
No one called me today. I did talk to my friend Theresa, but she was working and after work going to to drink.
At least I have my old swingin utters and alkaline trio records.
Too bad I don't have a pint of whiskey and a gun.
I was awoken today by the sounds of my mother screaming at my brothers, and them stomping around in the kitchen directly over my bed. It went on for at least 45 minutes. It made me want to cry, and vomit, and I still want to.
I don't know how much more of this I can take. My goal is to move out by June 1st. It is the only way that I am not going to end up being killed, or killing myself. The good news is that my dad is going to help me get an apartment, because I can't do it alone.
Anyway. So I know these kids from last spring when I would go punk rock bowling. Good times. And then I lost touch with them, and I finally started seeing them again a month ago or so. It started being the highlight of my week to go hang out with them on Wed nights. This one girl always gives me a hard time cause I never called her. Well guess what? I have been trying to get ahold of her for the last 10 days. No luck.
No one called me today. I did talk to my friend Theresa, but she was working and after work going to to drink.
At least I have my old swingin utters and alkaline trio records.
Too bad I don't have a pint of whiskey and a gun.
Bowling soothes the soul. A bit like zen if done right.