On a positive note, I only took pain killers for 36 hours after surgery, and I am walking again (with a brace). The screws they took are are wicked huge and I still feel like shit.
I just was thinking about emotion and music, specifically metal. And I realized that I when I am screaming all I... Read More
Good luck keepin your drugs away from your mom, that sucks by the way. Uhhh... Your on your own w/the crying nit, personally i don't want to see it. You should save your screw though. I have some screws and pins from my shoulder/wrist surgery way back in... '90 I think. holy shit, that was 13 fuckin' years ago, shit I'm old!!!!!
Pain killers are like waking up the next morning and still being drunk.
This is why I don't do drugs.
My mother stole some of my pain killers again. I hate that she has these problems, and doesn't tell us about it. She is supposed to be sober, both NA and AA. I told my dad again.... Read More
"When you asked the question "Do you have an ideal way to die?" It made me think of a kid that had lukemia that I heard Rollins talk about. All the kid wanted was to die with his eyes open. And I am all for it. When I die I will die with my eyes open. I won't go out any other way.
Thursday 5:30pm - My modem has heart attack and promptly dies. fuck.
Thursday 10:00pm - I leave my cave to go sit at Dennys for 5 hours.
Friday 12:00pm - Played Monkey Ball extensivly
Friday 5:00pm - Went back to Dennys with Theresa.
Friday 7:00pm - Aquire a pint of Jack.
Friday 11:00pm - Start drinking.
Friday 11:15pm - Lucky number 7... Read More
There is nothing quite like sitting down after a nice hot shower, with a big mug of fresh soy chai listening to Ice Cube.
I got a mini fridge today. My friend works for Pepsi, and he scammed them and won it. Sold it to me for $50. It's nice. Huge. Even makes ice. I love it.
Had an ingrown toenail removed today. First one... Read More
my boss listens to elvis costello contantly.
i never did till i started work there.
he's pretty good. I mean i hear his albums constantly and i don't want to kill him. so he must be good.
I went to dinner with Theresa to night. We sat next to this couple whom I am assuming were on a first date. I just wanted to donkey-punch both of them. Anyway. Havn't done shit. Not going to do shit. The Fucker at radioshack today told me some stuff, I told him it was bullshit. Went home, looked in the manual, and what do you... Read More
i really hate radioshack i had to go there the other day to look for a s video to analog converter and it was 20 dollars and it was only half i what i needed, then went to a computer store they had what i needed for 7 dollars. i really hate those guys