Band practice tonight. We changed the end of song five. It happened on accident. Now the ending goes into a super heavy powerful rock fest with tons of screaming and a whole shit load of bass. It is fucking awesome.

I was playing and my blister poped. It was the size of a dime, on my middle finger tip. It squirted all over my bass....
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I watched Gia tonight. It was good. It made me sad.

I am bringing back the thrash kid hat. It's a big trucker hat that is white and green. I even drew a heartagram on it in pen. I am so rad.

I need to find a cute metal lady to go out with. I really want to go on a date to a graveyard....
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Be very careful going to graveyards at night. I almost went to jail over that one. Lucky for me, one of the nearly-arresting officers was a guy I served coffee every morning. Instead of going to jail we took pictures of everyone smiling.
*sigh* graveyards.
i was thinking of the most beautiful graveyard i've been to this morning. need to go back, it's been too long.

re: pirate stuff
did i tell you that two of my friends are having a pirate wedding this june? smile
A blood curdling scream would do nicely to destroy the silence around here.
if i dont shower soon, i fear i will become quite crusty.

i used to be able to scream but all i can do now is offer up hoarse yelp.
You are sorely mistaken. I will school you in Tony Hawk, dude.
I went to a barbaque tonight. It was fun. We ate steak and brats and some bad assed seasoned potatos. No beer for me though. I don't trust anything called Wicked Ale.

I got a kick ass neck rub tonight. It was so fucking great. I also got a energy massage. It was weird. I did feel good though. (It's where they don't touch you....
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I had one of the most stressful days of my life today. But it was one of the greatest also.

We almost didn't get to play the show, because the bar manager is a total bitch, but the promoter was awesome. He fixed everything for us. But we had to leave by 10.

We torn through our set. Three songs. Six minutes. It was fucking...
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i had a truely awful eye infection once, made my eye bulge, besides the disgusting blood red color of it. i begged the doctor for an eye patch. how cool would that be? no dice. fucker.

i've played until my hands have bleed, very different fare though...
i dont have a hot older sister but i have a skanky younger sister, thank god he hasnt started putting the moves on her... *shudders*
It is less than 24 hours untill our beautifully violent, chaotic debut.

I have butterflies in my stomach.
Its like a first date.
But there is no turning back.
Its like a drug.
We cannot be stopped.
this sounds like a fabulous idea. better get started on your creations, im awaitin'.
Good luck! Make sure some sort of blood is shed...
I think I have fallen in love with My Chemical Romance. The live version of Jack the Ripper is fucking awesome.
wow. its weird to see people say they love My Chemical ROmance. I was at their very first show, they played with my friends band ( who were also at one point on eyeball records), Morgan Storm.
And now MCR are playing with thrice + the used and morgan storm is still doing local stuff. it should really be the other way around...but thats just my opinion biggrin
you should check out morgan storm (morganstorm.cjb.net) and also my other friends band who you might enjoy, Regarding I (regardingi.com)
that sounds deliciously dangerous. come pick me up...
It is so fucking nice out today. It was really nice last night too. Nice enough to sit outside 7-11 at 1:30 am and eat nachos and drink a slurpee.

I wish I was barbaqueing right now. And drinking beer. Sitting around with friends. I miss those days.

But they will return.

Eight days untill I can wear shoes again. I am excited! Then I...
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I feel a bit stressed out right now. We got an amp, but its only a half stack peavey triple x head and a slant 5150 cab. its awesome, but there was tons of trouble with getting credit. His dad finally had to be the primary on the app and then he started freaking out. Just imagine a grey haired hungarian fellow saying "The whole...
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this coke is on the house. I hate equipment.
I am on my way to help my boy pick up a full stack guitar amp. I am so fucking stoked. I really hope he gets it. There would be nothing better.

Actually seeing Everytime I Die twice in a month is better. And I do get to see them twice in a month.

Fuckin A.
thanks for the flattery on my accent smile You're a sweetie !

Good luck on the guitar amp - I just got a new amp recently + I love it.... there's nothing better biggrin

Cherry xx
it's the sad story of my life actually, I've had more guys hit on me than women but the way I see it is at least someone hits on me, it's better than nothing I guess.
I just got back from seeing From Autumn to Ashes. Here is my review.

My Chemical Romance - Ok, but better on cd
Recover - The singer thinks he is black. Powerful, but just didnt do it for me.
FATA - Pretty much like everyother time I have seen them. Everything is slower than their cd. Opened with the same song, closed with the same...
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i wish i could get a new fancy record player, but goodwill record players work fine and are usually 30 dollars.my last one lasted about 2 years before it just started acting crazy.

and not all sushi is raw. i have only ate the raw stuff once, i think it was something like raw tuna, and it was really really delcious. all the flavours and textures in the sushi roll made it a great experience. but really with sushi, im just a big fan of the inari (which is rice wrapped in this sweet bean curd stuff i think) and cucumber rolls, and thats just seaweed rice and cucumber.

i dont know if you wanted to know all this about my experieces with sushi or not... but ...eh
Holy shit. My band just scored a show on saturday night. It's at some sports bar, but its a show. We also have another show on may 4th, and there might be some throwing down at the show. someone doesnt like me and they want to kick my ass.

This is so fucking rockin.

People are going to shit themselves.

This summer we are hopefully...
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wow dude thats a pretty full on dream..... were you ever stiffled as a child? couldnt speak up? had strict parents? the sweing of the mouths shut is really full on about not being ablt to speak or to have something integral taken away from you.. .thats a pretty full on dream for a 7 year old boy to be having... it reminded me.. my sister used to have this dream reocurring from about 6 to 10 years old about this rabid dog that was chasing her through our school she would wake up just as he was about to devour her throat... fucked up

i think that andrew wk song has definatly grown on me
it was the she is beautiful one :o)