Ok, heres the deal. If by some fucked up chance you read this and feel i'm just being an idiot or a scenester or an old bitchy man with crabs... tell me. Comment on it email me do what ever. I'm just curious. now on to the rant...
Where the fuck did minneapolis' music scene go? Seriously, i damn near expect to see a picture of the foxfire on the back of a milk carton one day saying "Missing: Local Scene. If good music found call the authorities."
Did we seriously fucking peak in the late 90's?! I hope to god not but let's take a look at the situation real quick. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the day, Bob Dylan, a local MN man finally put us on the map. If you are still in high school there is the minute chance that you may be asking yourself "who the fuck is bob dylan?" to which i will reply "don't waste my fuckin time. go ask your dad."
So where do we go from Dylan? Well the gods smiled on our city a few decades later and VIOLA we have the purple one himself, Prince, to sooth us with the bat dance and tell us just what it sounds like when doves cry... ok. Most of you hardcore xinsertclichex may not think too highly of "the artist" but you have to admit his presence in music. He helped to revitalize a pseudo funk style all his own and influence a hell of a lot of people. And purpple rain is pretty sweet.
But then something amazing happened. A truely original rock scene came to minneapolis. Just taking a look at Twin Tone's roster shows you how amazing of a time the late 80s/ early 90s were. Here we had Soul Asylum, The replacements, Husker Du, Zuzu's Petals. IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THAT. here we had bands that were the fuckin epitome of rock n roll. the epitome of drinking. the epitome of the three chord rock song that influenced all those shit heads today that really rather suck a big one... but i digress.
Can anyone really deny the power the replacements had. I mean the unpredictability. The Loud rock songs. The soft ballads that didn't suck unlike the ones from the 80s (although patience and every rose does have a small place in my heart). And there are the stories. Maybe ledgends i guess would be the propper term. I will only treat you to one. When thier lable wanted to transfer the 'mats records on to CD, the band grabbed every master copy they could find, and tossed them into the mississippi... Well, actually the replacements were drunk, grabbed the wrong recordings, and kinda washed away the wrong masters.
The late 90s were ok at best. I mean as far as Ska goes... god should i even go into it? Ok so we had some decent pop acts like Animal chin but in comparassion to the above bands they just seem as lame as FDR's legs. For the math rock lovers we had what killsadie evolved into. I still think Experiments in expectations was one of the most underrated albums of...99? 2000? the exact year escapes me. Liftr Pullr was another welcome edition (but GOD! he Hawaii show? i realy hope joke music isn't the future). Albeit we did get D4 and Atmosphere around that time. Not to mentoin the most under ratted MC, POS. they seem to be doing a pretty damn good job carrying the tourch but we need more.
The Foxfire was a breeding ground for this state. I truely think that had it been around for another 10 years, Minneapolis could have been the next seattle. What do we have now? well if you're into that CHUG sound this place kinda works. Lets see what we should be straying away from:
-every song does not need to be in drop D
- your drummer should learn to use a double kick before attempting a live show
-avoid band names with seasons in them (is anyone gonna take you seriously with a name like "Autum's Forever Burning?")
-don't draw Xs on your hands, by the time you're 22 YOU WILL BE AN ALCOHOLIC!
- your singer should be able to "scream" in key.
- a record goes on a turntable NOT in a fucking art museum (ok yeah so some velvet
underground albums are in the walker but thats besides the point)
You know, most of you may be too young to rememeber a time in Minneapolis when bands helped each other out. Believe it or not, that was like 5 years ago (when most of you were in the 6th grade) We need to go back to that. and goddamn it the world already has Korn, Minor Threat, and Bane. Do you really need to sound like these bands? (this is not a knock on MT. They were the originaters. But IT'S BEEN DONE!)
this rant was brought to you by an ex scenester. take it with a grain of salt.... i was in a ska band
Where the fuck did minneapolis' music scene go? Seriously, i damn near expect to see a picture of the foxfire on the back of a milk carton one day saying "Missing: Local Scene. If good music found call the authorities."
Did we seriously fucking peak in the late 90's?! I hope to god not but let's take a look at the situation real quick. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the day, Bob Dylan, a local MN man finally put us on the map. If you are still in high school there is the minute chance that you may be asking yourself "who the fuck is bob dylan?" to which i will reply "don't waste my fuckin time. go ask your dad."
So where do we go from Dylan? Well the gods smiled on our city a few decades later and VIOLA we have the purple one himself, Prince, to sooth us with the bat dance and tell us just what it sounds like when doves cry... ok. Most of you hardcore xinsertclichex may not think too highly of "the artist" but you have to admit his presence in music. He helped to revitalize a pseudo funk style all his own and influence a hell of a lot of people. And purpple rain is pretty sweet.
But then something amazing happened. A truely original rock scene came to minneapolis. Just taking a look at Twin Tone's roster shows you how amazing of a time the late 80s/ early 90s were. Here we had Soul Asylum, The replacements, Husker Du, Zuzu's Petals. IT DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THAT. here we had bands that were the fuckin epitome of rock n roll. the epitome of drinking. the epitome of the three chord rock song that influenced all those shit heads today that really rather suck a big one... but i digress.
Can anyone really deny the power the replacements had. I mean the unpredictability. The Loud rock songs. The soft ballads that didn't suck unlike the ones from the 80s (although patience and every rose does have a small place in my heart). And there are the stories. Maybe ledgends i guess would be the propper term. I will only treat you to one. When thier lable wanted to transfer the 'mats records on to CD, the band grabbed every master copy they could find, and tossed them into the mississippi... Well, actually the replacements were drunk, grabbed the wrong recordings, and kinda washed away the wrong masters.
The late 90s were ok at best. I mean as far as Ska goes... god should i even go into it? Ok so we had some decent pop acts like Animal chin but in comparassion to the above bands they just seem as lame as FDR's legs. For the math rock lovers we had what killsadie evolved into. I still think Experiments in expectations was one of the most underrated albums of...99? 2000? the exact year escapes me. Liftr Pullr was another welcome edition (but GOD! he Hawaii show? i realy hope joke music isn't the future). Albeit we did get D4 and Atmosphere around that time. Not to mentoin the most under ratted MC, POS. they seem to be doing a pretty damn good job carrying the tourch but we need more.
The Foxfire was a breeding ground for this state. I truely think that had it been around for another 10 years, Minneapolis could have been the next seattle. What do we have now? well if you're into that CHUG sound this place kinda works. Lets see what we should be straying away from:
-every song does not need to be in drop D
- your drummer should learn to use a double kick before attempting a live show
-avoid band names with seasons in them (is anyone gonna take you seriously with a name like "Autum's Forever Burning?")
-don't draw Xs on your hands, by the time you're 22 YOU WILL BE AN ALCOHOLIC!
- your singer should be able to "scream" in key.
- a record goes on a turntable NOT in a fucking art museum (ok yeah so some velvet
underground albums are in the walker but thats besides the point)
You know, most of you may be too young to rememeber a time in Minneapolis when bands helped each other out. Believe it or not, that was like 5 years ago (when most of you were in the 6th grade) We need to go back to that. and goddamn it the world already has Korn, Minor Threat, and Bane. Do you really need to sound like these bands? (this is not a knock on MT. They were the originaters. But IT'S BEEN DONE!)
this rant was brought to you by an ex scenester. take it with a grain of salt.... i was in a ska band
i think everything goes in cycles, and maybe this is just a slow period for your local music scene. don't be suprised if this hibernation, which i take from your journal entry your local music scenes seems to be going through, ends abruptly. change is always coming and you can see it just past the horizon, but it just takes time. and when it comes its like it came out of nowhere. so, don't think your local music scene is dead. its just going through a transformation