A Christmas Story
I had trouble getting into the christmas spirit this year. Even after all of the presents had been opened, the Chirstmas dinner had been devoured, the wrapping paper covered the floor, i just didn't feel jolly. I began thinking maybe Bill o'riely was right. Maybe there is a war on x-mas.
Thank god for TBS. It was at this time that the x-mas spirit was jolted into my system like court ordered electo-shock therepy. "A Christmas Story," possibly the greatest movie ever made, was, as it is every year, being broadcast over and over for 24 hours.
As i sat sipping my wine, on the couch with my parents and sister, i felt the christmas joy returning to me.The red ryder bb gun, the pink bunny suit, schwarts getting the beating of his life, flick getting his tongue stuck to a flag pole. This IS christmas. It's not about jesus, or gifts, or good will towards man, it's about ralphie shooting his eye out.
I never realized in all of my youth that the mother from a christmas stroy is also the mother in harry and the hendersons. Nor did i realize that the father is the dad from Billy Madison. Ralphie, played by Peter Billingsly, in one of the greatest child performances went on to do very little.
Most interesting though it Flick, played by scott schwartz. Turns out he's been sticking his tongue in places other than on the flag pole. Yes flick has starred in such x rated movies as "The wrong snatch."
Oh flick, where did you go wrong.
Right now, before heading off to my grandmothers, i'm going to finish the bottle of wine i started last night, turn on TBS, and forget about the horrible things Scott schwartz has done. I prefer to remember him with his tongue firmly placed on a flag pole after a triple dog dare.
24 hours of a christmas story, here i come.
I had trouble getting into the christmas spirit this year. Even after all of the presents had been opened, the Chirstmas dinner had been devoured, the wrapping paper covered the floor, i just didn't feel jolly. I began thinking maybe Bill o'riely was right. Maybe there is a war on x-mas.
Thank god for TBS. It was at this time that the x-mas spirit was jolted into my system like court ordered electo-shock therepy. "A Christmas Story," possibly the greatest movie ever made, was, as it is every year, being broadcast over and over for 24 hours.
As i sat sipping my wine, on the couch with my parents and sister, i felt the christmas joy returning to me.The red ryder bb gun, the pink bunny suit, schwarts getting the beating of his life, flick getting his tongue stuck to a flag pole. This IS christmas. It's not about jesus, or gifts, or good will towards man, it's about ralphie shooting his eye out.
I never realized in all of my youth that the mother from a christmas stroy is also the mother in harry and the hendersons. Nor did i realize that the father is the dad from Billy Madison. Ralphie, played by Peter Billingsly, in one of the greatest child performances went on to do very little.
Most interesting though it Flick, played by scott schwartz. Turns out he's been sticking his tongue in places other than on the flag pole. Yes flick has starred in such x rated movies as "The wrong snatch."
Oh flick, where did you go wrong.
Right now, before heading off to my grandmothers, i'm going to finish the bottle of wine i started last night, turn on TBS, and forget about the horrible things Scott schwartz has done. I prefer to remember him with his tongue firmly placed on a flag pole after a triple dog dare.
24 hours of a christmas story, here i come.
Because you're the only one within 10 miles of Uptown to have Nirvanan listed in your profile. My first try, sucka.