I can imagine having a masters in theology would be particularly painful. At least I can dodge those "What's the meaning of life" questions with a bit of jargon...
A guy whose blog I read here in New Zealand published a nice piece on Malcom McLaren a few days ago:
The comments are worth it too if you have the time, there are a lot of local music journalists with interesting stories of their own about the guy who post there.
Well, I think that he should be punished in some way. Showing a girl doing whatever isn't really a good way to teach children about sex. It really is inappropriate. In GA it is illegal to show a minor porn regardless of parental consent. I'm not sure what type of punishment he should receive but I don't think prison for two years is what should happen.
Progress continues apace on the M.A. thesis. So far 95 pages written. 100 is the max, so if I write more than 5 pages more, I will have to start editing. But I am almost done, except for the editin'...
I make a lot of typos, because I am a sloppy typist, although I am a good speller, so they end up getting corrected.... Read More
Thesis writing continues. It is slow, even when I am actually sitting and working. This has been a harder process than I thought it would be, and I knew it would not be easy. At least I managed to simplify the structure last week in a change that will save me several days of work and probably make the finished paper better. Still, I write... Read More