Not much of an update, just wanted to share my new office! Woo Hoo! Goodbye cubicle land huh...
And who said being a corporate whore didnt have its up side??? Oh wait that was me.. Dam i hate my job,.... But i love my view!

And who said being a corporate whore didnt have its up side??? Oh wait that was me.. Dam i hate my job,.... But i love my view!

And just as a side note I'm gonna resend you those links for Buckethead. Not to be a pushy bitch, but just because I know it couldn't have worked last time and I need the practice... Buckethomepage
By the way, I accidently deleted your comment on my journal, in case you ever wondered where it was and blew your head off thinking you mustn't have posted it, but you did, and you weren't sure, so you blew your head off.
Just telling you in case that happens...