I FINALLY saw Devils Rejects the other night.. And I will clearly state that Sherri Moon Zombie is..... Well.....
In other news I will be going for a promotion in the next week or so, they just announced that they would be advertising a position internally so I will have a crack.. Not too sure how I will go, but if I get it I will be able to waste my money on more useless shit that I dont really need. AWESOME! Or I could shout you all a beer??? Hmmm nah ill just buy this instead:
My job is currently sucking my will to live, and since I broke up with my heartless she bitch girlfriend, Ive really needed some kind of change to help keep my mind off things, hopefully the promotion will come sooner than later.
"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged." - Samuel Johnson

In other news I will be going for a promotion in the next week or so, they just announced that they would be advertising a position internally so I will have a crack.. Not too sure how I will go, but if I get it I will be able to waste my money on more useless shit that I dont really need. AWESOME! Or I could shout you all a beer??? Hmmm nah ill just buy this instead:

My job is currently sucking my will to live, and since I broke up with my heartless she bitch girlfriend, Ive really needed some kind of change to help keep my mind off things, hopefully the promotion will come sooner than later.
"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged." - Samuel Johnson

Must sleep.
Later dude.