It's been so long since I've been on here and updated this thing. I have no idea where to begin.
I guess, it's good to be back?!
Still working for Apple, and doing audio work on the side. Hopefully in 6 months or so I should have my own studio to call home. For now I have home to call a studio.
Still single, and impartial about it. I've come to realize that my emotional/romantic side and my sexual side are completely out of balance with each other. On the one hand, I think trust and monogamy are very important to me, and due to issues in relationships past, I need to learn to trust again, and put away my jealous side. But on the other hand, I can completely see having an open or swinging marriage. I'm so completely all over the place with it, the only thing I know is that I am lonely.
I think part of the problem is that work has completely become my social circle. All of my friends from home are so busy with school and such, that I am lucky if I see them monthly. So I'm not getting out much, not meeting new people. And as far as dating girls at work, I've received advice from a few to not "shit where you eat."
I've come to realize that, since high school, all of my relationships have developed from friendships. Now I find myself 25 years old, and not really sure how to meet women.
My guitar collection continues to grow. Any day now UPS will deliver my latest bundle of joy.
Oh, and I finally have medical insurance again. So time to find out how much I've killed myself between the ages of 23 and 25, and probably time for some glasses.
I guess, it's good to be back?!
Still working for Apple, and doing audio work on the side. Hopefully in 6 months or so I should have my own studio to call home. For now I have home to call a studio.
Still single, and impartial about it. I've come to realize that my emotional/romantic side and my sexual side are completely out of balance with each other. On the one hand, I think trust and monogamy are very important to me, and due to issues in relationships past, I need to learn to trust again, and put away my jealous side. But on the other hand, I can completely see having an open or swinging marriage. I'm so completely all over the place with it, the only thing I know is that I am lonely.
I think part of the problem is that work has completely become my social circle. All of my friends from home are so busy with school and such, that I am lucky if I see them monthly. So I'm not getting out much, not meeting new people. And as far as dating girls at work, I've received advice from a few to not "shit where you eat."
I've come to realize that, since high school, all of my relationships have developed from friendships. Now I find myself 25 years old, and not really sure how to meet women.
My guitar collection continues to grow. Any day now UPS will deliver my latest bundle of joy.
Oh, and I finally have medical insurance again. So time to find out how much I've killed myself between the ages of 23 and 25, and probably time for some glasses.