Well' I'm finally home for winter break. I moved all my stuff home on monday. That was a pain in the ass and a half. Basically the only things staying at school are my TV and sound system. Almost everything else has come back with me. The jeep was filled with all my stuff! It feels good to be back home though. Every now and then I need some extended time at home. It just helps to ground me, remind me of who I am. Now I just need to clean my room so that I can actually live in it. For now I'm sleeping on the couch downstairs, with the stuff I brought home distributed randomly around the house. Maybe I'll make an attempt at cleaning in the morning. Maybe not. We'll see. Ugh, today is my last day of freedom before I start working every day again. Thursday through Christmas eve are going to be a bitch. Something like 32 hours in 4 days. Oh well, at least it means good money in my pocket.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 26, 2009
i am seeing diouble. ats been a while since ive drank hththis much.w0… -
Saturday Mar 14, 2009
Time for 5 hours of sleep, and then my great California adventure beg… -
Monday Mar 09, 2009
In less than a week I will be in California! The last time I was… -
Sunday Jan 25, 2009
sweet! i finally found a condom that works for me! http://www.t… -
Sunday Jan 25, 2009
I have come to realize I am quite fucked up about dating. I am terrif… -
Wednesday Dec 24, 2008
mmm.... sex would be nice right about now. with everything g… -
Tuesday Dec 02, 2008
mmm.... sex would be nice right about now -
Wednesday Nov 19, 2008
Well, I signed all of the necessary paperwork last night, so I am off… -
Monday Nov 17, 2008
I got the job at the Apple Store! Woohoo! It's at the one in Danbury … -
Sunday Nov 09, 2008
On a completely different note, the lovely Sinnah has a new set up in…