Well' I'm finally home for winter break. I moved all my stuff home on monday. That was a pain in the ass and a half. Basically the only things staying at school are my TV and sound system. Almost everything else has come back with me. The jeep was filled with all my stuff! It feels good to be back home though. Every now and then I need some extended time at home. It just helps to ground me, remind me of who I am. Now I just need to clean my room so that I can actually live in it. For now I'm sleeping on the couch downstairs, with the stuff I brought home distributed randomly around the house. Maybe I'll make an attempt at cleaning in the morning. Maybe not. We'll see. Ugh, today is my last day of freedom before I start working every day again. Thursday through Christmas eve are going to be a bitch. Something like 32 hours in 4 days. Oh well, at least it means good money in my pocket.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Lets see... what's new. Since I haven't made a serious update in y… -
Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
I'm much overdue for an update, but feeling sick and exhausted is pre… -
Thursday Dec 30, 2010
God, all I want is some New Years booty..... it's been way too long! -
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Working in Logic for the next few hours. Audio for "The Fiction." Who… -
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
It's been so long since I've been on here and updated this thing. I h… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
Well, in two days, my third (or fourth?) straight year of SG membersh… -
Wednesday May 13, 2009
I am so incredibly jaded against relationships right now. I had this … -
Tuesday Apr 07, 2009
Gin is definitely my drink of choice :-) well, besides a fine… -
Tuesday Mar 31, 2009
It looks like a new car is in my future.... well, new for me. 2…