Hey there. This is my first time writin in here. Guess it's about time since I've been a member since May. Anyways I'll try to start writing in here regularly. Gotta run. Got class in a bit and still have studying to do.
More Blogs
Sunday Nov 09, 2008
All I know is I will never forget tonight. And I really wish I could.… -
Thursday Sep 25, 2008
Got this one from a friend of mine! SFW Porn -
Monday Aug 11, 2008
Guess who has the flu. In the middle of summer, in the middle of 4 da… -
Saturday Jul 26, 2008
So I decided to change my name on here to the moniker I have had for … -
Wednesday Jun 25, 2008
The new Motley Crue album is great. "Chicks = Trouble" is so true, ha… -
Sunday Jun 22, 2008
Sometimes it feels like all of my friends have someone to love except… -
Thursday Jun 19, 2008
So I have gotten myself into a little bit of a situation, and I'm not… -
Friday Jun 06, 2008
Well, I went three days without an SG account, but now I'm back! Ed… -
Sunday Jun 01, 2008
ugh.... hangovers suck. ok, back to sleep. -
Thursday May 08, 2008
Well, my membership comes up for renewall in about a week..... haven'…