so things are much better ( so far) then last week. well friday my locker room boss was found drunk and locked in a toilet stall friday night. the night secruity guy discoverd him around midnight right as i was about to leave so i went down with him just in case something happened at this time we didnt know who it was. so greg the night guy called the cops and they pulled him out ( i was gone at this point) and he did the breathalizer ( amazingly) blew a .28 .3 and ur in a coma right .4 is clinicly dead so saturday i was asked if i could come in today. sure whatever ill be in at 8am. on my way in i was think fuck what if jeff comes in what the fuck am i suppose to do i dont wanna deal with that. well 1130 rolls around and in comes jeff fuckin a i dont wanna deal with it. so i just played dumb like i had no clue whats up. what are u here for he says, i dont know carrie asked me to come in. so we went into another room to talk.
"dude friday i was tired and i fell asleep the cops came hell they didnt even make me leave. i dont even know if i still have a job. u think they would have called." him sayin that to me shit i dont know call carrie she tell u whats up " awww i dont wanna call her id rather call scott (gm)." well scotts here playin golf go talk to him or call carrie. so that goes on for awhile. then i said well around here this weekend i heard u were wasted and past out in the toeilet stall. " aww dude i wasnt drinking and thats when scott walked in and my cue to leave. well he was escorted out. i guess kevin the chef saw him come in and rode out on a cart to tell scott jeff came in so im glad that happened cuz if it would have escaleted i wouldnt have wanted to hurt jeff if it came to swinging punches the setup guys found 2 empty 1.75 liter bottles of vodka stashed in the locker room good damn thats alot of booze.
well today i went out and played softball with some guys from work. origanlly i was goin to just drink beer but i got coned into playing. shit i thought i sucked at playin ball but they are bad bad at ball well most of em i didnt do to bad. game went quick we lost 20 to 6 in the begining i felt out of place and couldnt help but thing of henry rollins spoken word i know you but after a few beers i felt good. hell i might even go again next week
had a dream last night i was cuddling with a grizzly bear last night normally i wouldnt think much of it but it was sooooo real i even felt like i was being scratched by the claws well i looked it up in a dream dictionary and its not a bad thing soo all is good i think
well i have to work at 6am so i have to be up at 430am so ill talk to u later and thanx for any words those of u left last week :
"dude friday i was tired and i fell asleep the cops came hell they didnt even make me leave. i dont even know if i still have a job. u think they would have called." him sayin that to me shit i dont know call carrie she tell u whats up " awww i dont wanna call her id rather call scott (gm)." well scotts here playin golf go talk to him or call carrie. so that goes on for awhile. then i said well around here this weekend i heard u were wasted and past out in the toeilet stall. " aww dude i wasnt drinking and thats when scott walked in and my cue to leave. well he was escorted out. i guess kevin the chef saw him come in and rode out on a cart to tell scott jeff came in so im glad that happened cuz if it would have escaleted i wouldnt have wanted to hurt jeff if it came to swinging punches the setup guys found 2 empty 1.75 liter bottles of vodka stashed in the locker room good damn thats alot of booze.
well today i went out and played softball with some guys from work. origanlly i was goin to just drink beer but i got coned into playing. shit i thought i sucked at playin ball but they are bad bad at ball well most of em i didnt do to bad. game went quick we lost 20 to 6 in the begining i felt out of place and couldnt help but thing of henry rollins spoken word i know you but after a few beers i felt good. hell i might even go again next week
had a dream last night i was cuddling with a grizzly bear last night normally i wouldnt think much of it but it was sooooo real i even felt like i was being scratched by the claws well i looked it up in a dream dictionary and its not a bad thing soo all is good i think
well i have to work at 6am so i have to be up at 430am so ill talk to u later and thanx for any words those of u left last week :
whenever someone screws up that I work with, I try to play dumb. it was particularly fun when an RA that was caught drinking WHILE on-duty was talking about upcoming programs.
I kept my mouth shut thinking "you're fired, what are you talking about?"
figure that's the best way for me...I'm not in charge, so I'm not saying.
and depending on tolerance, people can go as high as .4 and appear sober. .28 is high, but I think its around .34 or so that you start to fall into a coma (or run that risk). I forget. I used to know. 4 years in peer education. I have since just developed to the point where I first make sure the person is okay, then f*ck with their heads as much as possible while they are dunk. its fun sometimes!
softball can be fun. then again, I swear like a fiend but was playing catcher in a church league where you can get thrown out for swearing. thank God I know different languages. swear all you want in French, German, Russian, and Polish. the ump does not know. and you get your frustrations out!
as for the dream, packed up all my books, including my dream interpretation books. I had a weird dream today. its part of my new journal post!
well, have fun working. I'm working on updating a webpage right now myself. it sucks!
btw: nice profile pic
ttfn ->