Went to my first mexican feista Thursday nite. That was fun. Ok it wasnt like full bore feista but still. It was my friend Victor wifes birthday. It was a blast. I actually danced I tried to mexican dance but that didnt look to good. Plus the girl I was dancing with didnt seem to know how to dance so that throughs me off. I did dance with the bar maid. Now she knew how to dance. Victor called me sat and told me there was a shot out at the bar we were at on Friday. Crazy shit guy got shot 3 times and our friends hummer got all shot up too. He wont get it back for awhile cops impounded it for evidence.
Ok Im goin off on a rant. If theres one thing that drives me crazy its stupid people and people who have no common sense. I work with this girl I swear shes dumber then a rock and annoying as hell. She asks really dumb questions and reads me the god damn celeb tabloids. Like I give a shit about what celebs are doin or which has the most money. It drives me nuts. Then she constantly tells me when she needs days off or anything that she needs to tell the owner not me because im not the boss Im just an employee. Another thing is shes always bitching about how she doesnt make enuff but when someone comes in she just pass on them on to me. I dont mind cuz thats just more money for me but why bitch about not making cash when you dont wanna work. And when shes there by herself she has a habit of turning the ringer off. I have no clue why the owner hasnt fired her ass for that but hey not my business.
Ok done with that. Well not much else to type Ive got some shit to do like work on my car need to do a tune up. Im sucking down the gas. Went from 10mpg to like 7-8mpg
Also I put up some new pics in new school mavis and cars I own.
Ok Im goin off on a rant. If theres one thing that drives me crazy its stupid people and people who have no common sense. I work with this girl I swear shes dumber then a rock and annoying as hell. She asks really dumb questions and reads me the god damn celeb tabloids. Like I give a shit about what celebs are doin or which has the most money. It drives me nuts. Then she constantly tells me when she needs days off or anything that she needs to tell the owner not me because im not the boss Im just an employee. Another thing is shes always bitching about how she doesnt make enuff but when someone comes in she just pass on them on to me. I dont mind cuz thats just more money for me but why bitch about not making cash when you dont wanna work. And when shes there by herself she has a habit of turning the ringer off. I have no clue why the owner hasnt fired her ass for that but hey not my business.
Ok done with that. Well not much else to type Ive got some shit to do like work on my car need to do a tune up. Im sucking down the gas. Went from 10mpg to like 7-8mpg
