im sad. i just got the letter back from the oregon board of massage thereapy. i was denied
the leter said i dont have enuff hours in saitation and ethics. but i thought thats what i learned in personal and profesional devolpment 1 and 2 was sanitation and ethics. ive got over 350 hours of hands on and over 250 hours of human sciences and ive gone to 2 diffrent schools i feel like im more then qulafied to do what im good at. plus i scored very high on all the subjects i was tested on for my national liscence. if the lady i just caled doesnt tell me what i wanna hear im goi to say fuck oregon and practice in washington. so basicly i just gave oregon $200 bucks to tell me that im not good enuff for this police state. shit im better then this state.
anyway my boss almost got fired for taking a $840 drop. but they found it in the back of the filing cabnit in a folder. im pist cuz she tried saying she put it on top of the safe and it must have been me or 3 other people who took it.
she has said 3 diffrant stories she also said old carol saw her drop it carol said she didnt see shit. to bad she didnt get fired
well im bummed out im goin to see shaun of the dead at the baghdad theatre tonight and get drunk out in portland. so ill leave you all with things that make me happy
girl of the week
song of the week
The cramps
"Let's Get Fucked Up"
Let's get fucked up. Let's get fucked up. Let's do some stuff. And get fucked up. Tomorrow we'll feel like we was hit by a truck. Let's get fucked up. Goin' to a cockfight. Burn with, burn. All my stuff in shock might. Never ever return. Goin' to the brink of Oblivion. Gonna need a shrink to get again. Let's get fucked up...Gonna get lowdown. Gonna get keyed up. Gonna go to town and get beat up. Gonna get way out. Gonna hit flameout. When my head caves in. Slip on nocturnal shades. Go down to amateur night. Do some purple haze. Probably lose some fight. Get cool and casual. Get really sent. Dig some cruel and unusual punishment. Let's get fucked up...

anyway my boss almost got fired for taking a $840 drop. but they found it in the back of the filing cabnit in a folder. im pist cuz she tried saying she put it on top of the safe and it must have been me or 3 other people who took it.

well im bummed out im goin to see shaun of the dead at the baghdad theatre tonight and get drunk out in portland. so ill leave you all with things that make me happy
girl of the week


song of the week
The cramps
"Let's Get Fucked Up"
Let's get fucked up. Let's get fucked up. Let's do some stuff. And get fucked up. Tomorrow we'll feel like we was hit by a truck. Let's get fucked up. Goin' to a cockfight. Burn with, burn. All my stuff in shock might. Never ever return. Goin' to the brink of Oblivion. Gonna need a shrink to get again. Let's get fucked up...Gonna get lowdown. Gonna get keyed up. Gonna go to town and get beat up. Gonna get way out. Gonna hit flameout. When my head caves in. Slip on nocturnal shades. Go down to amateur night. Do some purple haze. Probably lose some fight. Get cool and casual. Get really sent. Dig some cruel and unusual punishment. Let's get fucked up...

sweet - i hope it works out so you can get out of taco hell!
sorry to hear that oregon sucks.