Ohhh my god what a great weekend. so the halloween party was fucking great. highlight of the party we got kicked out of muchos. yep kicked out. so we were waiting for some people outside and one of the workers came out um we need you guys to leave. munkeey: well why? worker: your disturbing are guests. Munkeey we are your guests and we got food. worker: just leave.
it was great good times were had. a friend brought a dude with him and he got smashed and his people just left him there. the little fucker got up tried to pee in the basement then someone shoved him outside then he peed on the fucking cooler. i just about be the crap out of him. i guess someone took him home.
well here are some of the pics theres more in my pic folder
Jason the dead mechinic and jess as gwen steffani

Me and jason

Raffin as Gwedo

Ray as a coked out game show host and yes that a real mustache

My buddy nate brought his casket

Me and lisa


Super rasta eric

Crazy hick

Munkeey the luchadora. he found this costume at a second hand store

Yes someone did get tin the casket it was uncle tom bein his the shortest

hehe muchos

nuts anyone

end of the nite

so those are some of the pics there is more in my pics folder and some i didnt even add. talk about a hang over though. but jess's hang over was worse. we went and say saw 3 yesterday that made me feel better. it was good a little twisted but i liked it. saw the trailer for 300 again i cant wait too see that it looks amazing that and ghoustrider

I love everyone's costumes...seem like my kind of people