i just found my camera yeaaa. it was under a chair in the basement.
how it got there is beyond me. lookin through the pics i relize now that i was REALLY drunk cuz i dont remeber taking most of those pics
so will start with the sober to drunk and i dont remeber pics.
so rummy and amie had just showin up
Brooklynn the cutiest kid EVER
most everone is here fom the top Tasha, Jacko, Christine, and Jim
so i was feelin tipsy by now Rummy, Jason, Amie
dont really remeber takin this pic
yeah i was sauced by this time this would be my roommates eye
yeah i was REALLY drunk by this time dont ask cuz not even I know
Once again rummy and amie and i think thats my arm
So here i am thinking ohh i remeber what happened almost all night and here is proof i didnt really remeber the night cuz i dont remeber most of that
ohh and here is ae new room mate the night after he moved in
well just one more person i think i need to get pics from.
so rummy and amie had just showin up
Brooklynn the cutiest kid EVER
most everone is here fom the top Tasha, Jacko, Christine, and Jim
so i was feelin tipsy by now Rummy, Jason, Amie
dont really remeber takin this pic
yeah i was sauced by this time this would be my roommates eye
yeah i was REALLY drunk by this time dont ask cuz not even I know
Once again rummy and amie and i think thats my arm
So here i am thinking ohh i remeber what happened almost all night and here is proof i didnt really remeber the night cuz i dont remeber most of that
ohh and here is ae new room mate the night after he moved in
well just one more person i think i need to get pics from.
that would of freaked me the fuck out if someone did that to me...thr bees in the limo, and Johnny getting repeatedly bit by the snake were pretty insane to..this one was a lot more intense than the first one
as far as the first one goes...I died laughing when the guy put the tou car in his bum and went to the dioctors and you could see it on the x-ray