lets see new job lasted about a week and a half. found out id be working 4 days a week and about 5 hous a day. id be making about 100 dollas more at taco hell for work thats alot harder. soo i said fuck that and im too pretty to be workin manual labor. i eed to be around people so they all can eye fuck me.
ive made enuff to get my state massage liscence
yeah me!!!!!! im excited and nervous as hell too. this one is like the hard one it sounds like atleast. ill do good
hmmmm went to warped tour it was ok but it seems like every year it gets even worse. a fuckin bible study guys a fuckin bible study at warped tour i shit you not. i think fat mike said it the best when did punk rock become so safe? did see some good bands and some other good bands ive seen before. saw the river city rebels again which was fuckin awesome
meet a couple hella cool people i seemed to see alot in the pit and at the water trough. ended gettin in a water fight with the girl and ran into before i left and gave both of em a hug. didnt get their names or number but im sure ill run into them again sometime.
and off to a little rant. so when did it become ok for preppy fucks to invade the scene ive been apart of and made fun of for? its like al of a sudden its so in to be a punk rocker now they all wanna be like me. those fucks dont even understand the fuckin culture or meanin of punk. yeah some of the younger kids i undestand cuz theyll eventually see what i see. maybee im just pist that there was ALOT of preppy assholes out there. and me and bash gave them all shit.
i feel better now. id start a rant in the boards about this but last time i did i got flamed for cuz once again noone sees my side or has my views about this.
well im gettin tired so il leave you with girls of the week and song of the week
Girl of the week
song of the week
nofx the life of john smith
I've got respect from the community,
I've got my bridge game to look forward to,
I've got this chance, a golden opportunity,
As long as I keep doing what I'm supposed to.
You see my wife and kids, they depend on me,
To provide them with nothing but the best,
I feel it's my duty, my obligation,
To live up to the standards society suggusts.
So I'll keep on working for their benefit,
And I'll keep on drinking,
I'll keep on believing in my life.
Another year of slaving and smiling, buying and trading,
Living the life of a wealthy man,
But somehow I don't feel so rich inside.
But that doesn't make sense,
I just had a two week vacation,
As soon as I get this operation,
Taken care of, I'll start enjoying,
The good things in life.
So I'll keep on working for the benefits,
And I'll keep on drinking,
I'll keep believing in my life.
When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around,
When you're feeling all alone,
Then you'll know it's time,
To go into the ground,
When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around.
I've got my family, friends, and associates,
To stand by me as the threshold comes near,
Within their faces I see grave concern,
As I ask myself if their thoughts are sincere.
After all these years of being complacent,
What do I get? Tenderness, affection, a true sense of love?
No! Just a pain through a body chalk full of regret.
I'll keep on believing my life still has value,
And I'll keep on laughing,
Why can't I stop laughing?
I can't stop the laughing.

ive made enuff to get my state massage liscence

hmmmm went to warped tour it was ok but it seems like every year it gets even worse. a fuckin bible study guys a fuckin bible study at warped tour i shit you not. i think fat mike said it the best when did punk rock become so safe? did see some good bands and some other good bands ive seen before. saw the river city rebels again which was fuckin awesome

and off to a little rant. so when did it become ok for preppy fucks to invade the scene ive been apart of and made fun of for? its like al of a sudden its so in to be a punk rocker now they all wanna be like me. those fucks dont even understand the fuckin culture or meanin of punk. yeah some of the younger kids i undestand cuz theyll eventually see what i see. maybee im just pist that there was ALOT of preppy assholes out there. and me and bash gave them all shit.

i feel better now. id start a rant in the boards about this but last time i did i got flamed for cuz once again noone sees my side or has my views about this.

well im gettin tired so il leave you with girls of the week and song of the week
Girl of the week


song of the week
nofx the life of john smith
I've got respect from the community,
I've got my bridge game to look forward to,
I've got this chance, a golden opportunity,
As long as I keep doing what I'm supposed to.
You see my wife and kids, they depend on me,
To provide them with nothing but the best,
I feel it's my duty, my obligation,
To live up to the standards society suggusts.
So I'll keep on working for their benefit,
And I'll keep on drinking,
I'll keep on believing in my life.
Another year of slaving and smiling, buying and trading,
Living the life of a wealthy man,
But somehow I don't feel so rich inside.
But that doesn't make sense,
I just had a two week vacation,
As soon as I get this operation,
Taken care of, I'll start enjoying,
The good things in life.
So I'll keep on working for the benefits,
And I'll keep on drinking,
I'll keep believing in my life.
When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around,
When you're feeling all alone,
Then you'll know it's time,
To go into the ground,
When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around.
I've got my family, friends, and associates,
To stand by me as the threshold comes near,
Within their faces I see grave concern,
As I ask myself if their thoughts are sincere.
After all these years of being complacent,
What do I get? Tenderness, affection, a true sense of love?
No! Just a pain through a body chalk full of regret.
I'll keep on believing my life still has value,
And I'll keep on laughing,
Why can't I stop laughing?
I can't stop the laughing.
and I never found a decent time to ask about shooting your sb set....

sorry if I'm keeping you up, you need to go to sleep. I'll talk to you later, ok? I've got some stuff think about...