defently alot of stuff has happened latly. first i got a new job. my actul first day was today its at the napa warehouse out in portland. its alot harder then taco hell but its worth it we have bosses who liston alot more communaction and fucking lot more team work then taco hell. my shift is like 3 to 11ish so i might stay being cleaning captian at taco hell but im goin to dick around so much. itll be my tatoo money.
sucky news but good too. my friend/ roomie is moving to cali
but he gets to persue his dream of being a fuckin rock star so im happy yet sad. the band he will be in is signing to virgin records and head lines jager tour every year and when he gets down there they are recording a cd with the producer who did lincoln parks first cd. so it sounds good for him.
i got a washer stuck in the engine of my b210 last week just got it out due to lack of cash for a torqe wrench and stuff. it runs good well better had to do some fine tuning when i got home nothin like a back fireing engine goin through portland
went to vans warped tour had alot of fun but fuck the warped tour just seems to be a big advertisment. i didnt like many of the bands there i did like the fact the separated the stages one for emo and one for good ol punk. also i didnt like the fact they had joan jett there she wasnt even punk she was a 80s rocker. now shes just washed up. and i only saw like a handfull of real punkers there other then that it was a bunch of rich wanna bes. but then again im getting older and the scene is changing or dieing as some say. but not for me ill be punk till the day i die.
well everything else seems good so ill leave you all with sg and lyrics of the week
sg for the week (my week)
and can someone tell me had to add pics to my favorites. its all confusing now
and lyrics The queers - im not a mongo anymore
I don't even wanna know my name
I hope everybody goes insane
I drink, I fight, I fuck the cunts
I drink, I fuck, I fight the runts
Oh no! I'm not a Mongo
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Everyone I meet thinks I'm a jerk
I'd love to kill the fuckers where I work
I drink, I fight, I fuck the cunts
I drink, I fuck, I fight - you runts!!
Oh no! I'm not a Mongo
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
sucky news but good too. my friend/ roomie is moving to cali

i got a washer stuck in the engine of my b210 last week just got it out due to lack of cash for a torqe wrench and stuff. it runs good well better had to do some fine tuning when i got home nothin like a back fireing engine goin through portland

went to vans warped tour had alot of fun but fuck the warped tour just seems to be a big advertisment. i didnt like many of the bands there i did like the fact the separated the stages one for emo and one for good ol punk. also i didnt like the fact they had joan jett there she wasnt even punk she was a 80s rocker. now shes just washed up. and i only saw like a handfull of real punkers there other then that it was a bunch of rich wanna bes. but then again im getting older and the scene is changing or dieing as some say. but not for me ill be punk till the day i die.
well everything else seems good so ill leave you all with sg and lyrics of the week
sg for the week (my week)

and can someone tell me had to add pics to my favorites. its all confusing now

and lyrics The queers - im not a mongo anymore
I don't even wanna know my name
I hope everybody goes insane
I drink, I fight, I fuck the cunts
I drink, I fuck, I fight the runts
Oh no! I'm not a Mongo
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Everyone I meet thinks I'm a jerk
I'd love to kill the fuckers where I work
I drink, I fight, I fuck the cunts
I drink, I fuck, I fight - you runts!!
Oh no! I'm not a Mongo
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
Not a mongo anymore
When you said that you lost a washer in your engine, the first thing I thought of was a washer machine, and I got soooo confused!! but I got it now....
That's awesome you got another job, I put in for a driving job at Mark's Custom Exteriors, really hoping I get it....I'm really starting to hate people at Subway, not so much workers, but customers....grrr...except the old guy that gives me $5 tips, I like him!
yeah, what did happen to Massage? are you still going to do that at all?? God, my back and legs hurt so bad after work, I definately could use one!
I'm not going to go to any concerts this year. (I would've liked to see Joan Jett, though!) I didn't even know Warped Tour was here until two days before, when I found that I had to work it, god, that sucked soooo bad!! At 10 o'clock, the other workers and I sat by the door and told everyone coming in to get the fuck out, hahaha...people were still eating inside, so we took a good break until they were all done, and then we locked up and finished our work....
Well, not much else to say...hope everything's going good for ya, no girls are being mean to you?? I hope not...crazy bitches...sorry, I'm sooooooo bored, I've got an attack of insomnia, so I'm going to be up all night....which blows, but oh to you later!!