well like promised here are some mo pics first heres the lowrider bike its a 67 schwinn im goin to get 144 spoke rims, new seat, mirrors and a head light, ohhh and a springer sissy bar so its a smoother ride.
and both mine and my roommates bikes his is the green
and the newest tattoo igot at glass work ink up in longveiw, wa. the guy up there is awesome im sooo damn happy i found a good tattooist
heres the flash
well i finally got a new phone its the razer v3 its awesome. i like it its awesome to finally have a camera phone except it turns me purple
lets see thursday im goin out to the couvto look for a job hopfully ill get a real job
hmmmm what else is new.
hmmm cant think of much. its funny i had lots to update about but i forgot it all when i got here

and both mine and my roommates bikes his is the green

and the newest tattoo igot at glass work ink up in longveiw, wa. the guy up there is awesome im sooo damn happy i found a good tattooist

heres the flash

well i finally got a new phone its the razer v3 its awesome. i like it its awesome to finally have a camera phone except it turns me purple

lets see thursday im goin out to the couvto look for a job hopfully ill get a real job

hmmmm what else is new.

and the razer rocks..i want one!
Zip it up aaaand zip it out.......