well looks like ive been tagged for tahat 20 things unknowen about capt_sparrow so here it goes
1. i was born in prescott, AZ
2. i have a step father in AZ
3. i aveidly lift weights but not for cosmetics but for the feeling.
4. i dont like cats well except mellys cat harley and my friend jermeys cat sy
5. i was in boy scouts when i was a kid
6. i was a stripper once
7. im not as interesting as you think
8. i moon alot of people if yo meet me ill probably end up mooning you too
9. My parents are bikers
10. i really want a harley too
11. i love mac and cheese
12. i work at a fast food place but i hate fast food it makes my tummy hurt
13. i play the guitar and have just recently started playing in a band
14. my biggest weakness is butterfingers the candy bar perves and reeses peanut butter cups
15. i drive a big black van
16. another weakness is coke no not the white stuff the cola
17. i just finished college for massage thearpy i take my license in a couple weeks
18. i love all sorts of music just besides punk despite what my profile says i just ran out of room in it
19. i lived with my parent till i turned 22 but i did live by myself for 2 years but i was to irresponsible to take care of my self till now
20. this was way hard to do cuz im a very open person and tell everyone what ever they want to know
well there done now you know about capt. sparrow
so i tag Will_Trinity cherrypatch Mooncalf2
1. i was born in prescott, AZ
2. i have a step father in AZ
3. i aveidly lift weights but not for cosmetics but for the feeling.
4. i dont like cats well except mellys cat harley and my friend jermeys cat sy
5. i was in boy scouts when i was a kid

6. i was a stripper once

7. im not as interesting as you think
8. i moon alot of people if yo meet me ill probably end up mooning you too
9. My parents are bikers
10. i really want a harley too
11. i love mac and cheese
12. i work at a fast food place but i hate fast food it makes my tummy hurt

13. i play the guitar and have just recently started playing in a band

14. my biggest weakness is butterfingers the candy bar perves and reeses peanut butter cups

15. i drive a big black van
16. another weakness is coke no not the white stuff the cola
17. i just finished college for massage thearpy i take my license in a couple weeks
18. i love all sorts of music just besides punk despite what my profile says i just ran out of room in it
19. i lived with my parent till i turned 22 but i did live by myself for 2 years but i was to irresponsible to take care of my self till now
20. this was way hard to do cuz im a very open person and tell everyone what ever they want to know

well there done now you know about capt. sparrow
so i tag Will_Trinity cherrypatch Mooncalf2
i had good friends from Prescott that always made fun of the people from Show Low.
I did tag someone, I told them in their journal, I don't remember who though...