Another item off my wish list came from someone and I thank them greatly!! Its going to be one of the best boks EVEEEEER!!! muwahhahahaha
Not much else going on other than the job search in "chicken with head cut off mode" I applied so many places I forgot which and thats not good!
One of them better call me! I need this quintessential object of life, oh whats it called ah yes MONEY!
I'd throw up some movie reviews but I'm slacking something awful. Last movie I saw in theaters was Sin City!
I over exercised today too, I pulled something in the butt area its almost bliss ahahhahahaha Not really. I walk like I'm wearing a loaded diaper ! So attractive I know.
Well I think I've covered all the topics for a successful journal entry, loaded diapers, money and movies. Sounds about right! G'night all its 5am!
As of friday I've thrown my life away into another PC game, Vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines! I finally got it! See what happens when I try to go out and be social! I find new games I need!

Not much else going on other than the job search in "chicken with head cut off mode" I applied so many places I forgot which and thats not good!

I'd throw up some movie reviews but I'm slacking something awful. Last movie I saw in theaters was Sin City!
I over exercised today too, I pulled something in the butt area its almost bliss ahahhahahaha Not really. I walk like I'm wearing a loaded diaper ! So attractive I know.
Well I think I've covered all the topics for a successful journal entry, loaded diapers, money and movies. Sounds about right! G'night all its 5am!
As of friday I've thrown my life away into another PC game, Vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines! I finally got it! See what happens when I try to go out and be social! I find new games I need!

If you're thinking about attending the super hero party, I would love to give you a ride to it! Except, I work weekends and we'd probably need to leave a little early so I can make it home for some sleep as I have to work at 9 in the morning. I say a party till 1 or 2 am sounds good to me!
Thank you for the Birthday wishes girl. Hope to meet you at the super hero party.