I haven't updated FOR CENTURIES!!!
I feel obligated to do so now even though nothing is as eventful as it should be for a youngin' like myself!
3.) I'm planning on traveling somewhere for a weekend if not a week just to be out and about again but I don't know where I'd like to go yet.
4.) My brother graduated from High school and will be 18 end of june (They grow up so fast *wipes a tear* ahahahhaah) He's an honor student and got some really good scholarships, so he's already signed up and registered to get his teaching degree in either english or art he's not sure yet. I'm very proud.
5.) My best friend finished her mechanics training finally so now she gm certified and having worked at the chevy dealership almost a year and a half now!
6.) My aunt is out of jail again, we'll see how long she can handle the outside world this time. (It lasted 4 months last time, tent city must be jawsome or something!)
7.) The new NIN album is quite good different but good
8.) My hair is pretty long now, past my shoulders, the longest its ever been its weird.
9.) Lastly and most important sooooooo many great movies coming out I can't wait to see! (Fantasic 4, Batman begins, DEVIL'S REJECTS,War of the worlds, chronicles of narnia- I watched the show on tv as a kid its a great story, Land of the dead, Bewicthed- I love will ferrell, Brother's Grimm, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory lots!!!)
YaY updates!
Theres some pics of me and my boy yule brenner, 2 of the coolest buildings I've ever seen,and my brother doesn't he look like an honor student? ahahahha

I feel obligated to do so now even though nothing is as eventful as it should be for a youngin' like myself!
3.) I'm planning on traveling somewhere for a weekend if not a week just to be out and about again but I don't know where I'd like to go yet.

4.) My brother graduated from High school and will be 18 end of june (They grow up so fast *wipes a tear* ahahahhaah) He's an honor student and got some really good scholarships, so he's already signed up and registered to get his teaching degree in either english or art he's not sure yet. I'm very proud.
5.) My best friend finished her mechanics training finally so now she gm certified and having worked at the chevy dealership almost a year and a half now!
6.) My aunt is out of jail again, we'll see how long she can handle the outside world this time. (It lasted 4 months last time, tent city must be jawsome or something!)
7.) The new NIN album is quite good different but good
8.) My hair is pretty long now, past my shoulders, the longest its ever been its weird.
9.) Lastly and most important sooooooo many great movies coming out I can't wait to see! (Fantasic 4, Batman begins, DEVIL'S REJECTS,War of the worlds, chronicles of narnia- I watched the show on tv as a kid its a great story, Land of the dead, Bewicthed- I love will ferrell, Brother's Grimm, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory lots!!!)
YaY updates!
Theres some pics of me and my boy yule brenner, 2 of the coolest buildings I've ever seen,and my brother doesn't he look like an honor student? ahahahha

You forgot Serenity. You have to see Serenity when it comes out in September.
narnia looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and if they're anything like the books they'll be awesome anyway.