YaaaYY!! The biggest of all well 2nd biggest (The first biggest would be if I were having a baby but I'm not!) of joyest events has happened!
The lady and I as of yesterday got a dog!
We've been waiting and watching the paper for 6 months now. We've been denied adoption (because of our apartment living status which is bull because our place is bigger than alot of my friends houses!) denied purchase at the pet store because they require a line of credit from wells fargo which my lady can't do and I don't make enough on my own. It seemd like we were never going to get one!
So after we got our tax returns back we started the hunt and I talked the lady down to $450 and voila we have a 7wk old male fawn pug baby! He's the most adorable thing I've seen in ages. All he wants to do is sleep, he already uses the otty pads I bought and his teeth aren't all in so he has no strength in his jaw to destroy the furniture yet!
After my friends wedding I'll start looking into training classes since he qualifies for preschool in a few weeks so YaY for no peeing and pooping on the rug!
His name is Dr. Spanish by the way
Anyway I'm off to bed, I have a bachelorette party to host tomorrow night. I wish more of you were coming.but ah well I understand the whole strangers issue.
The matrix online goes live for me saturday at 1am (pre-sale benefits!) and it seems like an eon! WoW that was the nerdiest thing I've ever said and for that I'm going to bed but not before I read another chapter in my resident evil novels!
Crappy cam shots
Awwww He's so little!
The boys
The ladybeing silly in our office
The lady and I as of yesterday got a dog!
We've been waiting and watching the paper for 6 months now. We've been denied adoption (because of our apartment living status which is bull because our place is bigger than alot of my friends houses!) denied purchase at the pet store because they require a line of credit from wells fargo which my lady can't do and I don't make enough on my own. It seemd like we were never going to get one!
So after we got our tax returns back we started the hunt and I talked the lady down to $450 and voila we have a 7wk old male fawn pug baby! He's the most adorable thing I've seen in ages. All he wants to do is sleep, he already uses the otty pads I bought and his teeth aren't all in so he has no strength in his jaw to destroy the furniture yet!
After my friends wedding I'll start looking into training classes since he qualifies for preschool in a few weeks so YaY for no peeing and pooping on the rug!

His name is Dr. Spanish by the way

Anyway I'm off to bed, I have a bachelorette party to host tomorrow night. I wish more of you were coming.but ah well I understand the whole strangers issue.

The matrix online goes live for me saturday at 1am (pre-sale benefits!) and it seems like an eon! WoW that was the nerdiest thing I've ever said and for that I'm going to bed but not before I read another chapter in my resident evil novels!

Crappy cam shots
Awwww He's so little!
The boys
The ladybeing silly in our office
AWW! Hims so cute! I love hims!!
you going to be at the bikini this satrday...