Not much to say as always...........
My friends bridal shower is still coming up, looking forward to that
Also the Matrix online is very bada$$, I've been playing it the past 3 days and the lady and I have pre-ordered it so I'm looking forward to that as well. I'm trying to get more people I know to join up but since its still in beta nobody has the patience for the glitches and write ups and maintenance so hopefully that changes when it goes live. If any of you do happen to get a beta account I'm on the Parser server as Toxxxico and the Algorithm server as TopDollar
Well back to gaming, you guys are the most interesting people I know. I read all of your journals and the level of honesty is unparallel unlike livejournal where everyone either writes as a persona or makes entries to get attention and comments. (There are some on lj that do make legit entries though.)
I'm drifting off on a tangent!
Supergp, I'd get a WoW account but its much to complicated and self involved for an online newbie like me. Matrix is much easier for me to grasp, plus the community is fantastic! I've read the WoW forums and seen in game and nobodys much for helping or talking whereas in Matrix randoms will join up and do missions with you whenever you ask no matter what their lvl!
Its just good fun!
My friends bridal shower is still coming up, looking forward to that
Also the Matrix online is very bada$$, I've been playing it the past 3 days and the lady and I have pre-ordered it so I'm looking forward to that as well. I'm trying to get more people I know to join up but since its still in beta nobody has the patience for the glitches and write ups and maintenance so hopefully that changes when it goes live. If any of you do happen to get a beta account I'm on the Parser server as Toxxxico and the Algorithm server as TopDollar

Well back to gaming, you guys are the most interesting people I know. I read all of your journals and the level of honesty is unparallel unlike livejournal where everyone either writes as a persona or makes entries to get attention and comments. (There are some on lj that do make legit entries though.)
I'm drifting off on a tangent!
Supergp, I'd get a WoW account but its much to complicated and self involved for an online newbie like me. Matrix is much easier for me to grasp, plus the community is fantastic! I've read the WoW forums and seen in game and nobodys much for helping or talking whereas in Matrix randoms will join up and do missions with you whenever you ask no matter what their lvl!
Its just good fun!

I tried the Matrix Beta back in November and hated it...but sounds like I may have to give it another whirl. I mean I REALLY wanted to like it But for now I am so utterly addicted to WoW its not even funny. Out of all the MMO's I've played its definately the best so far in my opinion. BTW...I think its damn cool that you're a serious gamer. Heh
mmmm WoW is teh awesome