YaaaY I'm all moved in and almost done unpacking!
My new place is amazing and will be much easier to have a party in, sooooo much more space and 2 bathrooms!
I missed the sfp 'cause I was moving all day and forgot!
Sucks 'cause I wanted to meet so many people. Hopefully sgaz has another party soon!
I want to get my ink done but all my artist friends work so far away! I have to learn my new busline, I'm on the 27 now and I used to be on the 35.
Anyway not much else is going on. I tried on my bridesmaid dress for my friend's wedding "the boys" didn't fit as usual so we had to exchange it. This dolly parton shape does me no good! I hope to drop some more poundage by mid april so I'll look decent in their wedding pics face-wise!
I'm glad everyones doing so lusciously amazing, it makes me happy in the pants section.

I missed the sfp 'cause I was moving all day and forgot!

I want to get my ink done but all my artist friends work so far away! I have to learn my new busline, I'm on the 27 now and I used to be on the 35.
Anyway not much else is going on. I tried on my bridesmaid dress for my friend's wedding "the boys" didn't fit as usual so we had to exchange it. This dolly parton shape does me no good! I hope to drop some more poundage by mid april so I'll look decent in their wedding pics face-wise!
I'm glad everyones doing so lusciously amazing, it makes me happy in the pants section.

you can be happy in the pants section, just dont lose control and pee in the pants section
*CSSSHHH* Cleanup in Pants.
And if you look like you do in your profile picture, you have nothing to worry about.