Leo got our arcade cabinets last night! (They were free) We were admiring our inserts and stickers all night! We got for him neo geo samurai showdown and streetfighter championship edition hyper fighter then for me street fighter the movie arcade! I also had my fingers crossed for the NARC machine but leo said that would be ma$$ively difficult and he'd have to negotioate with bob so yeah thats a no, but one day! (I have no actual pics of them yet since we have to get a uhaul to bring them up here so we're waiting 'till the move to just use the truck and get it all in one swift trip.)
Pics of what our cabinetss should look like
We're also going to go look at the possible new apartment saturday as well. Things keep coming up and we keep having to put it off but we've only got 'till the end of february to get a new place and start packing so we gotta get a move on.
Ebay sellers have been up my a$$ this week! It'd be one thing if I didn't send the money but I have and they're still ha$$ling me with "non paying bidder" crap! I've been on ebay since 2002 and have bought oodles of stuff and never have I been so haggled! Either way they should all get their money this week then its smooth sailing. Its all people's presents too so I hope they hurry!
Leo's 25th birthday is this week too, theres so much I want to get him but as always I'm limited. I want to get my new tatt done but I have so many other things to pay for first (mostly ebay!) so its gotta be back burnered for now.
I want to get started signing up for my classes but we just have no money, everything is going to getting the car fixed and my school's not exactly right down the street! Its going to be quite a bus ride indeed. I wish muffins were here. I'd like for both of us to go to school together, preferrably at the savini institute, but thats all the way in ca and my school's a 2 year program. So 2 more years of az for leo and I know how badly he wants to work for a gaming company he has such skills and the offers and his family is there. Sometimes I feel like I'm making him stay here.
Guh! I've had such cravings for the lemon cheesecake at village inn! Or even just cheesecake in general! Leo said he'd get one when he gets paid so I can wait. Ooooooooo or even key lime cheesecake mmmmmmmmmmmmm decadence! I rarely ever crave sweets. I'd rather eat a piece of tasty strip steak than a candy bar, but this week I just want cheese cake and coffee cake and badness! Once a year a splurge ain't so bad so "I do what I want!" ahahahahhaa
What the hell is this crap!? I'm all for steven dorff but j'mon not my favoritest anime in the unviverse! I'm glad they changed their minds! Jeez
Pics of what our cabinetss should look like
We're also going to go look at the possible new apartment saturday as well. Things keep coming up and we keep having to put it off but we've only got 'till the end of february to get a new place and start packing so we gotta get a move on.
Ebay sellers have been up my a$$ this week! It'd be one thing if I didn't send the money but I have and they're still ha$$ling me with "non paying bidder" crap! I've been on ebay since 2002 and have bought oodles of stuff and never have I been so haggled! Either way they should all get their money this week then its smooth sailing. Its all people's presents too so I hope they hurry!
Leo's 25th birthday is this week too, theres so much I want to get him but as always I'm limited. I want to get my new tatt done but I have so many other things to pay for first (mostly ebay!) so its gotta be back burnered for now.
I want to get started signing up for my classes but we just have no money, everything is going to getting the car fixed and my school's not exactly right down the street! Its going to be quite a bus ride indeed. I wish muffins were here. I'd like for both of us to go to school together, preferrably at the savini institute, but thats all the way in ca and my school's a 2 year program. So 2 more years of az for leo and I know how badly he wants to work for a gaming company he has such skills and the offers and his family is there. Sometimes I feel like I'm making him stay here.
Guh! I've had such cravings for the lemon cheesecake at village inn! Or even just cheesecake in general! Leo said he'd get one when he gets paid so I can wait. Ooooooooo or even key lime cheesecake mmmmmmmmmmmmm decadence! I rarely ever crave sweets. I'd rather eat a piece of tasty strip steak than a candy bar, but this week I just want cheese cake and coffee cake and badness! Once a year a splurge ain't so bad so "I do what I want!" ahahahahhaa
What the hell is this crap!? I'm all for steven dorff but j'mon not my favoritest anime in the unviverse! I'm glad they changed their minds! Jeez

Now a live action Cowboy Bebop does not look that bad. I would have watched it.
Besides Cameron Diaz looks yummy as Faye Faye.