MMMMMM flitered water!
Oh man the brita was finally ready to be tested and man I do taste a difference!!! Its weird to say that since all this sick business the past 2 months my strictly water diet lets me taste the difference in waters! Its really crisp with no metallic or sour aftertaste like the bottled stuff we get out of the machine. I want another one, a bigger one I saw it in the little pamphlet that came with this one. I'll never go back to bottled again! (Unless I poured it from my brita into a bottle!) ahahahahhaha nah thats going overboard!
Man this place is so weird without leo here. he called a few hours ago to let me know he landed safe and he's having an absolute ball with his family. They even loved my gifts to them! Sometimes when I get to thinking about my family I realize how shitty they can be. Even their nicest isn't very nice on the big scale of things. Last year I spent 2 paychecks on them and I have yet to see most of the stuff I bought them. Chubbs has his figurine and mom occasionally wears the earrings I got her but thats it. Rarely a genuine thank you. Just a "hey thanks for trying!" with some pats on the back kinda thing. Plus the stuff they get me shows how much they pay attention! I'm far from a 2x and they get me the same stuff my mom has just in a different color and her and I haven't dressed even close to alike since I was 8. (Mom thought it was cute for us to be twins alot!) The stuff I get the most is makeup, I don't wear much makeup but it looks like I do with all the boxes of it, and the nasty smelling perfumes like Vanilla fields. Doesn't smell like any vanilla I know! More like a field of grandma's!
Man its 6am and it might as well be 5pm 'cause I'm not tired whatsoever. My sleep schedule is so off its insane! I don't get tired until 7 or 8 in the morning then I sleep 'till 5 or 6 in the evening. I don't get whats up with me. I finished the new medicine they gave me for the kidney infections and its not made a difference. I still get bladder spasms from hell so bad its contorts and twists me and I just freeze up and can't move and I can't help crying out with pain. I don't like to worry leo like this, I can see it in his face. I just don't know whats going on in my body!(They also prescribed me with soma to ease the spasms and they seem to do ok, I don't like to over do it with painkillers though- tolerance building badne$$ and all) My equilibrium is all off too, when we were moving stuff I kept tripping or just straight out losing my balance and falling over. I'm usually a somewhat graceful person so its pretty embarrassing.My stomach just hates me completely!
Anyway the kids and I decorated as much as we could with some odd and ends I found around the house. Lucky for me and I'm me and I always have crepe' paper, banners, and party hats! So theres not much I have to still buy. Just liquor which I can't have (shake my fist at you rum!) and some delicious martinelli's grape juice, and the cider one if anyone likes that one too. I just like the grape one better! I wish I had a digital camera! I want to take pics of the apartment right now and I can't. The mother may let me borrow the video camera which is better in my opinion, sound and all so heres hoping! She guards that thing like fort knox since the first 2 "got stolen." (I put parenthese because we all know who took it, we meaning the family.)
So thats about it. Leo was worried about me not being able to sleep with him gone and I called it, I've just been watching cartoon network, playing sims 2, and watching tvland (three's compant- my sickness!) so yeah not sleeping AT ALL! >
Well saved by the bell is going to be on soon so I'ma go channel flip 'till then, latez!
Oh man the brita was finally ready to be tested and man I do taste a difference!!! Its weird to say that since all this sick business the past 2 months my strictly water diet lets me taste the difference in waters! Its really crisp with no metallic or sour aftertaste like the bottled stuff we get out of the machine. I want another one, a bigger one I saw it in the little pamphlet that came with this one. I'll never go back to bottled again! (Unless I poured it from my brita into a bottle!) ahahahahhaha nah thats going overboard!
Man this place is so weird without leo here. he called a few hours ago to let me know he landed safe and he's having an absolute ball with his family. They even loved my gifts to them! Sometimes when I get to thinking about my family I realize how shitty they can be. Even their nicest isn't very nice on the big scale of things. Last year I spent 2 paychecks on them and I have yet to see most of the stuff I bought them. Chubbs has his figurine and mom occasionally wears the earrings I got her but thats it. Rarely a genuine thank you. Just a "hey thanks for trying!" with some pats on the back kinda thing. Plus the stuff they get me shows how much they pay attention! I'm far from a 2x and they get me the same stuff my mom has just in a different color and her and I haven't dressed even close to alike since I was 8. (Mom thought it was cute for us to be twins alot!) The stuff I get the most is makeup, I don't wear much makeup but it looks like I do with all the boxes of it, and the nasty smelling perfumes like Vanilla fields. Doesn't smell like any vanilla I know! More like a field of grandma's!
Man its 6am and it might as well be 5pm 'cause I'm not tired whatsoever. My sleep schedule is so off its insane! I don't get tired until 7 or 8 in the morning then I sleep 'till 5 or 6 in the evening. I don't get whats up with me. I finished the new medicine they gave me for the kidney infections and its not made a difference. I still get bladder spasms from hell so bad its contorts and twists me and I just freeze up and can't move and I can't help crying out with pain. I don't like to worry leo like this, I can see it in his face. I just don't know whats going on in my body!(They also prescribed me with soma to ease the spasms and they seem to do ok, I don't like to over do it with painkillers though- tolerance building badne$$ and all) My equilibrium is all off too, when we were moving stuff I kept tripping or just straight out losing my balance and falling over. I'm usually a somewhat graceful person so its pretty embarrassing.My stomach just hates me completely!
Anyway the kids and I decorated as much as we could with some odd and ends I found around the house. Lucky for me and I'm me and I always have crepe' paper, banners, and party hats! So theres not much I have to still buy. Just liquor which I can't have (shake my fist at you rum!) and some delicious martinelli's grape juice, and the cider one if anyone likes that one too. I just like the grape one better! I wish I had a digital camera! I want to take pics of the apartment right now and I can't. The mother may let me borrow the video camera which is better in my opinion, sound and all so heres hoping! She guards that thing like fort knox since the first 2 "got stolen." (I put parenthese because we all know who took it, we meaning the family.)
So thats about it. Leo was worried about me not being able to sleep with him gone and I called it, I've just been watching cartoon network, playing sims 2, and watching tvland (three's compant- my sickness!) so yeah not sleeping AT ALL! >

Well saved by the bell is going to be on soon so I'ma go channel flip 'till then, latez!

and happy 2005.
Happy Birthday !!!