Ash made a good point so I think I'll just copy paste whats in the other journal here
ok here goes:
Black Friday!
Oh man yesterday was crazy busy at work! So many MANY people it was nuts! I got mad kudos from my boss throughout the day though and my aisle ( I was in charge of the barbie aisle) was the neatest one in the store. >
I also got to know the most quiet co-workers in the world, david the mime and narchis the mute. Robert my fan boy was there too but since he does freight we don't chat too much. Lita and jaide came to bring me lunch around 4 and wandered around the mall'till 8:30 to give me a ride home which was jawsome 'cause yet again they worked me to the bone! I cut my right hand pretty good and was covered in bandages so one of my managers started calling me michael jackson it was hilarious! I just love working there too much! The moneys not great but I just adore my coworkers. Even lita said we have too much fun to be working! So yeah I came home so sore it hurt to eat. (I still did do though, like garfield I pounced upon the lasagna and a gatorade!) PLus I was an a$$ and forgot to put my retainer in for my lip so I went without all day and had to push my jewelry back in when I got home. A smidgen painful but in that annoying stinging way that sucks. I ended up just taking 2 ibuprofen and a hydrocodone after watching mrs. doubtfire and passing out. (My stupid knee wouldn't let me sleep, I didn't take the pills just for my lip dammit!) I don't know what time leo got home, I think around 2:30 in the am. Oh! I also got a break yesterday for half an hour which severly saved my feet! Then some odd black fellow with 2 white kids hit who he explained have a crackwhore mother who he isn't with 'cause she won't get clean and he won't let her come back until then so he has the kids, yeah he hit on me. He was giving himself a manicure and talking about how much the young girls like him when he's 43. (He really didn't look it!) He had money though, he was one of those flashy money types with his lexus, his kenneth cole jacket, the fancy ultra shiny shoes and versace shirts. Atleast he was nice though. He knew some people I went to high school withs' parents 'cause I guess he coaches football at asu and was an a$$istant coach for the cardinals a few years back. So it was nice to have an ego for a few. Soooo yes that was my yesterday now I just want to sleep! So I'ma go back to napping Latez

ok here goes:
Black Friday!
Oh man yesterday was crazy busy at work! So many MANY people it was nuts! I got mad kudos from my boss throughout the day though and my aisle ( I was in charge of the barbie aisle) was the neatest one in the store. >